A Summer With Chovy: Chapter 10: Two Years Ago

”Stop right there delinquent scum! You violated the rules!” How many times have I heard this already? I lower my backpack and turn around to see two student officers that patrol the school grounds. One of them is a male and the other is a female. Both have school approved haircuts and hair color with a well kept school uniform and a “public morals” armband on the left side of their arm. Judging by how one of them spoke, they acting like this is some kind of serious business. “Constant tardiness is a blatant violation of the student conduct guidelines!” the female public morals officer stated as she pulled out a notebook to search for the exact phrasing for the rule. “Look, I really don’t have time for this...if we can just sort things out…” “Negative!” The male officer barked. “Your lack of willingness to follow the rules has left us with no choice. You are to report to the headmasters office at once!” He pulled out a piece of paper with a written note indicating I was to be sent for some kind of punishment. “Yeah! At Once or else!” Shouted the female officer. “But it’s currently lunch break, I’m not late to any…” I said before being abruptly interrupted. “If that’s how you’re going to play, you leave us no choice!” Both of them pulled out wooden batons and started going medieval on my ass. “Ow what the hell? Are you guys actually hitting me!” They continue to beat me to the floor as the female public morals officer stops midway and points her baton off in another direction and states “We are the School’s Public Moral Club and we want you to join our club. You’ll get all kinds of benefits including the ability to beat the shit out of delinquents! Come sign up today at the club administrators office today!”

”Cut! That’s a rap. Good work you three!” Nano was behind the high end camera generously provided by the school. His round glasses were all offset ever since he tripped and fell on them. With his height, he had to borrow a stool from the cafeteria just to operate the camera while sitting down. His uniform was kept in the worst state of repair I’d ever seen and it’s a tragedy that the public morals club never went after him for it. But he was the only friend I got on these school grounds and the both of us have been avid film makers ever since we first met in middle school. The public morals officers pulled me up from the ground. I can’t believe they actually beat me to the ground though it wasn’t without reason though. We all gathered around the camera as we watched the playback of the scene we just did. “Yeah. That’s actually the best take we’ve done.” remarked Nano. “We look so cool on camera!” mentioned the female morals officer. “The newcomers are going to flock to our club when they see this!” “Yeah but did you two actually have to beat me on camera?” I asked while rubbing my arms. “Just call it method acting.” Nano noted as he ejected the tape to hand over to the public morals officers. “If only you guys nailed it on the first take.” “Yeah” I muttered. “If only you two nailed it on the first take.” These two look like children in the way they gleam over the little skit they had just preformed. It’s no wonder nobody takes the public morals club seriously. Nano then crossed his arms and started tapping his foot. “So…about our deal?” The male morals officer handed us two additional notes stating that we can come in late due to personal issues. “Just keep it on the down low alright. Thanks for helping the Public Morals Club with our advert.” “The new club members will pay for itself anyways. We’re just glad we can make films for a living” I mentioned. “Speaking of which, we should probably focus on our own advert for the incoming freshmen next year” added Nano. The intercom bell came on in the hallways followed by a voice we dreaded to hear. “Tomio and Nano are to report at the Student Council at once.” Just when we thought they wouldn’t notice. “Well, we can’t help you with whatever that is. Sorry guys.” Noted the female public morals officer. “What does she want this time? That psycho…” grumbled Nano. There was a sense of some arrogance in that intercom announcement. Does she take pleasure in making people’s lives miserable?

The two of us made our way to the Student Council room. Normally, it’s filled with council members scheming up stuff during lunch break but this time only one figure sits alone in this room. She’s in the same grade as the two of us. Supposedly one of the brightest in our classroom. So much so, she’s been elected as our grade level president and representative. School politics is not something I cared much for and I’m high skeptical how she even got the position in the first place. She’s not a very tall, especially for female standards. Nano could potentially stand toe to toe with her and tower over her if he tried. Her hair is fashioned into two very short ponytails and she has a hint of freckles on her checks. Her name was Alisa and she was more than our class president. She was the class bitch.

”What do you mean you are ending the film club?!!” I shouted as I slammed my hands on the table.” Alisa took off her reading glasses which were probably fake anyways since she’s been known to not wear prescription glasses. “Didn’t you two morons hear?! I’m shutting down the club because you two are not keeping up with your academic progress! As if I need anymore proof of your failing intellect.” She stands up from her seat and starts wandering around back and forth in the room. “You two should had known that having failing grades was going to put you both in this situation. Maybe perhaps if you actually paid attention at all, then perhaps you’d both would continue to make some shitty videos or whatever it is your silly little club does. I really don’t care.” She then turns her head and gives us both a pretty clear look. It’s a sad attempt at trying to look intimidating. “Until you two are able to fix your grades by the end of this semester, your club will continue to be shut down the following year.” “Yeah sure whatever.” muttered Nano. “Hey! You should try talking to me with more respect seeing as I’m your classroom representative! Now that we got that done and over with. I suggest you stand outside and wait for me to call you in while I look over your grades on an individual level. Tomio, you stay first!” Nano gets up and leaves the room without any more to say. Alisa sits down at her table again and pulls out a binder full of documents. Word has it that she’s probably more effective at ease dropping on her classmates than the Public Morals Club.

”Tomio, you really disappoint me.” Alisa said to me as she flipped through her binder. “You and your little midget friend don’t do me any favors by slacking off in our classes.” “Nano is slightly taller than you though.” I added. “That doesn’t matter! I’m a girl and I’m not that short!” she snapped at me. “Because of you two, my reputation as class president isn’t going as swell as the other members. Considering I’m moving school next semester, I’m not going out on a whimper like this, So you better get your and your friend’s shit together!” “Oh so you’re moving? What a relief.” I told her. “It’s a relief I won’t have to deal with you ever again!” Alisa shouted back at me. “So what school are you going to terrorize next?” I asked casually. “It’s none of your business Tomio! It’s prestigious and far more better suited to a girl like myself unlike this shitty school!” She was too furious to even say anything more. “You’re dismissed. Get out of my sight you loser.” I had to pitch in my final word with her “You know, if you weren’t so stuck up, I’d think you and Nano would make a great couple.” “S-Shut up you…” Alisa muttered. “I wouldn’t want to be caught dead with either of you freaks. B-besides, I have a boyfriend already and his name is Takashi.” She crossed her arms and made a pouting face. “I’d never heard of him. Does he even go to this school?” “That doesn’t concern you Tomio! Takeshi is my boyfriend and that’s all you need to know!” “You mean Takashi?” I asked catching on to her hiccup. “Just get lost and die or something so I don’t have to have your crappy grades on my classroom records.” She said while trying to hold back her anger. With that, I’d left the room with Nano waiting outside. “So it’s all over huh?” He asked. “Yeah pretty much. Brace yourself before you go in next Nano. She’s fucking pissed.” “That sounds pretty hot” Nano remarked. “Can’t wait to see for myself.” He goes inside and all I can hear from the outside is muffled nagging from the outside. But on a serious note, that was the day the school film club was shut down and ever since then, Nano and I haven’t done anything else in our second year. At least Alisa was gone ever since.

”Tommy, are you alright?” Chovy tapped my shoulder from across the table. She sat their looking at me while I was napping. “Yeah I was just tired. We had a busy day today. I’m just exhausted.” Chovy got up and brought me some tea along with a serving of spaghetti. “I feel like that to sometimes Tommy. How about a meal for two?”
