A Summer With Chovy: Chapter 11: Chovy’s Perspective

He looks awfully tired. I don’t think it’s just the stress of work that’s bothering him either. If it’s something that’s uncomfortable to think about, I probably shouldn’t bring it up with him. But since I am his girlfriend, does that mean I should be more probing to get more info out of him. Come on Anchovy! You should know all about relationships right? Ah...who am I kidding. I’d never been in a relationship until I met Tomio. Those romance novels aren’t much help either. If only Hina-chan were here to give me advice. That’s not a good idea. No. It’s a terrible idea. Even though I trust her, who’s to say she won’t gossip about my relationship with this delinquent from another school? Damn it all. I was doing so well up to this point. Even still, he gets the better out of me by teasing me. He knows I’m just as inexperienced as he is when it comes to this whole romance ordeal. Even though he can be kind of mean sometimes, I really do admire Tomio for something….but what is it? His looks? His limited charisma? No. I think he’s just like me in a lot of ways. My strengths. My weaknesses. He’s something that I’ve been missing ever since I moved here two years ago. I just hope a bowl of spaghetti will give him some energy.

”You’ve done a lot today Tommy. I’m grateful you’re here with us and especially with me.” I attempted to encourage him as much as I can. Though I can’t be to selfish either. “If for whatever reason you feel like it’s all too much, don’t be afraid to let me know.” “What do you mean too much?” Tomio asked me with a slight suspicion in his voice. “I just don’t want you to stress out too much with work and all. That’s all I’m saying.” I ensured him. “I won’t judge you or anything if you decide to quit at any point.” He had a hearty chuckle. “Chovy. I think I’m more than capable of doing this job. It’s not all so bad, especially with you around. If anything, I have you to thank for getting my life on the right path.” He took a sip from the spaghetti bowl before continuing. “My life was meaningless before I met you. It’s like you showed me a path to something I can strive for. Anything I can do to make myself a better boyfriend to you.” My heart swelled from his dedication to making me happy. I take back what I said about him earlier. I don’t think he’s a delinquent.

Still, it doesn’t seem like I should have stressed out from work like this. I mean, I get stressed too from work and duties for Sensha-do. Thankfully, he seems to really enjoy the spaghetti dinner I made him. I might as well enlighten him with some plans for his visit on Saturday. “We’ll be taking the day off on Thursday if that’s not a problem. I’d already made arrangements with our boss so it’s all good Tomio. We’re going to shop for your disguise for Saturday! ” I attempted to make myself sound excited more so considering I was kind of uneasy about letting a guy come see our Sensha-do team. What if the other girls catch on and figure out the whole ordeal. It would be embarrassing right? It’s not something I should be ashamed of to be fair. Tomio is not a bad guy. No. He’s actually… “So where exactly are we going to shop for my disguise?” He asked me. Now that he mentioned it….oh crap. I don’t actually know where to even start. “Well….um….I might have to do some research first.” I didn’t actually know where to buy such a uniform. Ordering online would take too long. It would have to be somewhere local. Maybe Hina might know. I’ll ask her tonight. “But have no fear! Yours truly Anchovy will have it all figured out before that day comes!” “You don’t sound too confident about that Chovy.” He remarked. “That’s right! Hang on….what?!!” Jeez I guess I’m not very good at planning anything out. No wonder we lost the 41st Winter Continuous Track Cup last year. I’d hate to see Anzio’s Sensha-do team without a somewhat capable leader like myself. I don’t want to think about that right now though.

”Will you need a ride home Tomio? I have my moped this time so you can cling onto me.” He’s laughing at me. I should’ve worded that better...this is so embarrassing. “Chovy. I really do admire your sincerity. It’s not like I brought my bike with me today anyways. So I guess I have no choice then huh.” “Is that a bad thing?” I asked him. “Hmmm…..” He pondered. “You’re seriously thinking about if it’s even bad to begin with!” I cried out. He’s teasing me again as usual. “No. It’s pretty great to be riding with you Chovy. Why would I say otherwise?” “Umm….welll….I mean….” I can’t form words anymore. “Tommy…” “Yes Chovy, I love you too.” I can’t stop feeling warm and don’t have anything to hide my blushing face other than my hands. “T-thank you Tomio...I’ll take you home in no time.”

I knew the way back to his home. It’s not far for a motorized vehicle but considering he rode his bike up till this point, I can imagine the ride being kind of tiresome. It’s located right at the outskirts of town, just like my family pizzeria. I wish I could spend the night with him again but I have to return to the Anzio dorms. I drop off Tomio and kiss him goodbye before driving off towards the dorms. Anzio’s Girls’ High School is divided into two. The mainland campus and the schoolship aircraft carrier known as Aquila. Since competition season is not until the end of summer break, most schools that practice Sensha-do will use their on-shore campus grounds for Training. Anzio is no different. Though the girls seem to prefer the scenery of the schoolship more so than the mainland campus. It’s hard to argue with that when the schoolship is where the majority of the funds went to for development. These are going to be the last few weeks that I spend time at either of them. I’d imagine the other 3rd years feel the same way too. Was all of my work and effort for the Sensha-do team for nothing? Who’ll lead the team once I’m out? I still don’t have any of that planned out. Our school hasn’t been in the best financial situation since the last tournament. It would had been really nice if we weren’t defeated before semi-finals. That prize money could had bought the school capable tanks. The P40 is and Semovente are capable in their own right but our Carro Veloce light tanks are abysmal for Sensha-do despite being really viable for Tankathon. Perhaps I should be blamed for wasting our school resources on festivals and cookouts. It’s times like this when I feel like I should had never gone into Sensha-do. But my mother insisted it would be beneficial to me. Apart from scholarships, what good does this all do for me? Tankery has it’s perks and can be pretty fun but it’s far from what I can consider my passion. No. It’s just another responsibility, just like my family pizzeria before I can actually do what I desired to do ever since I started reading books at the library. Someday, there’ll be books written by Chiyomi Anzai in those shelves where I once strolled through. My name will be synonymous with romance novels, not Anchovy.

Despite being the head of the Sensha-do team, my dormitory isn’t any better than the other girls on the team. The rooms are tight. I wouldn’t call it cozy either. There’s a desk, a bed, a crappy view of the outside from a rectangular window. I have to keep all of my belongings and clothes in cardboard boxes under the bed. The thing that drives me insane however are how thin these walls are in these dorms. You can hear everything outside from the snores of other girls, the constant opening of doors across the hallway, and the occasional laughter from the sleepovers the other girls have late at night. When I was sleeping at Tomio’s place, that must have been the first time since I left my mom’s house that I had some peace and quiet while sleeping.

I was pretty much exhausted by the time I reached my room. I didn’t even bother to remove my contacts. But I couldn’t just fall asleep here. I had someone I had to talk to first. I take out my phone and send a text to Hina. I hope she’s still awake.

Anchovy: Carpaccio. Are you up right now?

Carpaccio: Duce! You’re back at Anzio already? How was the date? :^)

Anchovy: Oh that? It went really well actually. Tomio is a great guy. I need your help with something though. Think you can stop by tomorrow morning?

Carpaccio: Of course Duce. You know I’m always available to help you out.

Anchovy: Thanks. Oh and if you can, just call me Anchovy or Chiyomi. We’re friends after all. We don’t have to do the whole Duce thing like we do in practice.

Carpaccio: Oh certainly. Though sometimes I forget it’s alright to get informal every once in a while. I’ve been so caught up with practice lately.

Anchovy: So are you girls doing fine without me while you practice for the Fall semester?

Carpaccio: Well about that...I’ll explain in more details tomorrow. It’s kind of complicated Anchovy.

Anchovy: Shoot….I figured there would be some problems. Well you’re in luck because I’m going to need your help either way and assuming this works out, we might just get Anzio back on track before I’m gone.

Carpaccio: I hope so Anchovy. You and I both know I’m not exactly fit for a leadership role haha. And as much as it pains me to say it, neither is Pepperoni.

Anchovy: You know damn well I’d never let Bakaroni near the P40! Imagine the damage she would cause if she commanded that tank. That P40 was a major investment! Still, I’m kind of bummed out you aren’t willing to lead the team Carpaccio.

Carpaccio: I hope you don’t take it the wrong way Anchovy but I’m not as capable as you might think. I enjoy commanding and loading the Semovente. To drive anything just wouldn’t seem right to me you know. You kind of seemed like a natural leader the moment we first met. It’s a shame we can’t find someone else like you Anchovy.

Anchovy: Well we might have to do something to get that settle because you two are the only sub commanders I got. If neither of you two are going to take the reigns of the next Duce, then Anzio is doomed the moment summer practice ends! I don’t think I want to leave the school with that kind of legacy. Am I being too selfish about this?

Carpaccio: That’s kind of difficult to say. Anchovy, you don’t have to be so hard on yourself sometimes. We did really well under your command. That’s something to take pride in right?

Anchovy: Perhaps. I don’t know. We’ll talk about what we can do next tomorrow morning. Right before I head off to work. I raised quite a bit for the school though I don’t know if it will be enough to make any difference. Have a good one Hina-chan.

Carpaccio: Likewise Anchovy

I then received a group text message from Pepperoni. It was directed to both Carpaccio and myself. Seems to be some kind of unfunny meme.

Anchovy: Pepperoni! You’re still up! You have to get some rest if you’re going to make the most out of summer practice!

Bakaroni: Nee-san! Where have you been?!! We miss you so much!

Anchovy: I’ve been busy with stuff okay. Just please get some rest or we’re all going to oversleep like we always do.

Bakaroni: Affirmative Anchovy Nee-san! Operation Dream Machine must now commence!

Carpaccio: lol. Good night Pepperoni. Goodnight Anchovy.

That was the last text for the night. I better get these contacts off. Last time I slept with them, my eyes were completely irritated. Seriously, I wish I didn’t have to wear them so often. Why did I have to be blind?
