A Summer With Chovy: Chapter 12: A Little Help From My Friends

Ugh. I hate mornings. I didn’t even stay up that late last night. My eyes can’t even stand, I need to speak with Carpaccio before I head to work. The least I can do is try to get ready. I check myself out on the mirror. It’s been a habit at this point for sometime. I don’t know why I even bother. My hair is still kind of longer than I used to. Would cutting it short look any better? What would Tomio think? I really need to stop staring blankly and get ready or I’m going to be late for work.

I got myself ready within a couple of minutes. As usual, I dawn my Anzio High uniform that I wear to work on a daily basis. It suits the apron I wear at work pretty well and if I were to spill food on it or get it dirty, then I always have another one to replace them anyways.Why am I explaining all this….I don’t know. My mind just like to go off focus. Where’s Hina? She should be here by now. I’ve been waiting at the school cafeteria for what seems to be ages now. It’s probably the nicest facility on the mainland campus to be brutally honest. Perhaps because this is where most of the school budget went into, with it’s fancy seating facilities, luxurious roman-esque decor and state of the art cooking facilities that put my uncle’s pizzeria to shame. If only I could had the foresight to fund the tank program instead of focusing on culinary programs. We’d could of bought another P40 or even some Panzer IV Ausf G from Kuromorimine. Uaagghh we could have had a chance in our last match against St. Gloriana. But that’s all past me now. I lost and that’s how I’m going to leave Anzio with. Might as well make the best of my last time with the girls before I’m out of here. Tomio….what am I going to tell him when...

”Good morning Duce!” a couple of Anzio students caught me off guard as I was staring blankly at my breakfast meal. “Ahhh Good Morning.” I replied back swiftly. It wasn’t Carpaccio. Where is she?!! “Duce...sorry I’m late.” You couldn’t mistake her for anyone else. Her long blonde hair, dark green eyes. She always seems in a good mood no matter the situation. Sometimes I get jealous of her aurora and good looks. It’s a shame she won’t be able to take over when I’m gone. “Carpaccio. What took you so long? You know I have to go to work after this.” She sat down in front of me with her breakfast tray. “There was a cute art exhibition on the way over here. I couldn’t help but stop by and see what they had. I didn’t even know this school had an art club to begin with!” She reached into skirt pocket and pulled out a phone charm of a miniature replica of the famous Mona Lisa painting. “I figured you might like this so I bought it for you.” I took a hold of the charm and gave it a good inspection. The “painting itself was enclosed in some kind of acrylic but it does seem to be hand painted. Impressive considering how detailed it is for being so tiny. “Wow. This is actually really well made. Thank you Carpaccio. I’ll have to met the one who made this eventually. Maybe I can get a personal request for another one.”

“Another one for Tomio?” Carpaccio asked smiling. “Tom Me oh....Who’s To Me oh?” Oh god, she’s here too! Pepperoni (or Bakaroni as I like to call her) is standing behind me me looking over my shoulder at the charm I’m holding in my hand. She’s so close I can smell her breathe. It’s really gross. “Pepperoni!” I yelped from not noticing she was behind me. “What are you doing here!?” “Tomio is Anchovy’s boyfriend.” Carpaccio said casually. “Hina! Why did you…” I was about to scold her but at this point it was already too late. “Ooooh a boyfriend?! I didn’t think you actually find a boyfriend Nee-san! Isn’t that just so funny!? Ahahhahaha!” “I didn’t think you’d actually think at all” I muttered under my breathe to Pepperoni. “Soooooo….” Pepperoni went around the table and sat next to Carpaccio and placed her arms crossed in front of the table leaning towards me. Would it kill her to fix her hair for once? “did you….do it?” She asked grinning maliciously. “What! No…..Why would I….” “Did you kiss yet? Or what about holding hands? How long have you been daiting? Who is Tomio anyways?” “Could you please stop Bakaroni!” I groaned. I hid my face in embarrassment on the table. Carpaccio giggled while all this unfolded. “Pepperoni….do you remember the guy who delivered all those pizza boxes last week?” “So wait, you mean to tell me….OOOOOOOHHH!” Her excitement seemed to be getting amped up until she realized who she was talking about. “Oh.” Pepperoni’s expression neutralized to disappointment. “That guy? I figured he would be bellow your standards to be your boyfriend Nee-san. I don’t know what you see in him, he seems average.” That’s the first time I’d ever heard pepperoni say something seriously. But she’s completely wrong. “Don’t say that Pepperoni.” added Carpaccio. “She’s madly in love with him. She’s been telling me ever since they met. It’s like they were made for each other like bread and butter. Look she’s even blushing as I’m telling you all this.” “Could you two please stop already…” I had my face down at the table but I couldn’t hide the burning tone in my checks. “So you needed help with something in particular right Anchovy. That’s why you wanted to me with me this morning right?” Oh good she’s changing the subject. “Oh yeah...actually.” I lifted my head and tried to drink some water to cool down my internal temperature. “Well since you both already know my situation, I’m going to need both of your help on Thursday. We’re going shopping.” “Shopping!?!” shouted Pepperoni. “FUCK YEAH I COULD ALWAYS GO FOR SOME SHOPPING!” “Keep your voice down Pepperoni! It’s bad enough you already know I’m in a relationship. I don’t want the rest of the school to know that too.” I clear my throat. “As I was saying, I’ve been wanting to invite Tomio to see us do Sensha-do on our Saturday practice sessions. You are well aware we can’t have guys over during practice unless…” “Unless?” Carpaccio asked interested already in what I had in mind. “We’re going to get Tomio a disguise so that he looks like a member of the Italian armed forces. That way we can get around the rule of no boys at our practice sessions. “Brilliant as usual Nee-san!” Pepperoni remarked. “As expected of Duce herself!” “I just have one concern with all this Anchovy.” interrupted Carpaccio. “You know this kind of breaking the rules. We’re not supposed to have boys at practice because it would cause a distraction from training. The other girls would get distracted too right?” “That’s why we’re getting him a disguise. He’s going to pretend to be observing and giving us tactical advice. Male advisors are perfectly okay with Sensha-do regulations. I’ll just make him say the things I already emphasis to the girls in our team.” “But he is Japanese. Wouldn’t it be hard to...oh you know….try to make him look Italian?” “That’s nothing a pair of shades could fix am I right?” I replied back. “Hmmm….I don’t like this plan one bit if I had to be really blunt with you Anchovy.” Carpaccio mentioned as she shook her head, but considering we’re friends, I would be more than happy to help you with this task.” “And me too Nee-san! Take me with you!” “Yes yes….of course Pepperoni.”

“There is one condition I’d like to meet before we agree to this task Anchovy.” Carpaccio couldn’t help but try to hide her smile from me. “Sigh...what condition might that be.” I asked bluntly. “Pepperoni and I would like to work alongside you and Tomio at your family Pizzeria.” “What!” “You heard me right.” stated Carpaccio. “Mmmmm I want to make Pizzas too. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it right now!” added Pepperoni. “Please let us work with you Nee-san.” “I don’t know…” I said uncertain of what I brought myself into. “Working in the family buisness is kind of my way of...well...not being Duce all the time you know.” Carpaccio nodded while listening to my argument. “Well...these next few weeks are going to be the last time we’ll ever get to hang out again. We could at least try to the make the most out of what’s left of it. It’s not like Pepperoni and I have anything to do for the weekdays. We could even befriend Tomio and we’ll be like one big happy family. Doesn’t that sound wholesome Pepperoni.” She nodded with her in agreement. “Okay okay...I suppose I could let you guys work alongside me. Just don’t let the other girls know alright. After all, I’m working to help provide whatever financial contributions I make before I leave. You both know I don’t want to leave my school in a state of despair when I’m gone.” Carpaccio and Pepperoni both got up and embraced me from across the table. “Aww thank you Chiyomi! This means so much to us. We’re going to have the best summer ever!” “Who’s Chiyomi?” asked Pepperoni. “It’s me you dingus!...no...it’s okay. I’m sorry.” I embraced them both in return. “Girls. Operation Tomato is a go!” I stated as the three of us got up from the dinning table and started to head out of campus together.“Can we borrow your car Carpaccio?” I asked as we walk through the campus grounds. “Of course. It’s been a while since we rode together hasn’t it. Don’t worry Anchovy. I know how to get there.” She patted me in the back as she pulled out her keys and pressed a button to unlock her car. “Right this way please.”
