A Summer With Chovy: Chapter 15: A Return to Sensha-do Matters

”How’s our finances Nee-san?” asked Pepperoni as we were driving through the downtown district not too far off from where the Arcade is located at. Supposedly, this store we are looking for is a military surplus store with items for sale ranging from local JSDF gear to foreigner gear from the Americans and other western countries. I heard that the other school ships and towns that have more elaborate shops compared to the one Anzio’s Girl’s High has access to here, and many of these stores supply all of the Sensha-do uniforms for those schools. Anzio Girl’s High, being a school with a very very tight budget, is left with whatever this shop has in stock in addition to just using the uniforms from previous years . Their basic uniform (white shirt, black tie, and blue skirt) is just a repurposed Japanese school uniform with an Anzio tri-color badge sewn on the breast section of the shirt. The only Italian part of that uniform are the black berets and tankery uniforms which were imported to Japan several years ago and in short supply. At least, that’s what the girls had told me on the way over here. They aren’t shopping for their school today however. We’re here to do one thing and one thing only. Get me a disguise as a foreign officer to observe the school’s tankery practice.

”If we can get the basics down, we should have more than enough to make a convincing disguise.” answered Chovy who was checking her wallet, most of which was cash she made from working at the pizzeria. “Mil-surp from Italy is kind of hard to come by in this country, despite being allies in the last World War.” noted Carpaccio. She scanned her eyes at me for a moment before stating “It’s a shame he’s probably the least Italian looking guy we can find. No offense Tomio.” “Yeah, that’s kind of to be expected. But I can probably use some shades or something right?” “That should be fine I suppose since I doubt anyone is going to be suspecting you anyways.” Chovy insisted. “Brilliant as usual Nee-san. God why are you so smart?” remarked Pepperoni who was sitting with her feet on the dashboard and her chair reclined all the back.” “If only you were smart enough to not be so relaxed with that seat all the back Bakaroni, then maybe we wouldn’t be at risk of being trapped back here if we were to get into an accident.” Chovy and I are already squished back here as it is so she does have a valid point. “Oh right! Sorry Nee-san.” She manages to move her seat forward. “Not like we have anymore time to relax, we’re here at last.” Carpaccio pointed out to the little shop right down the road as we pulled up to this tiny parking lot that even dwarfed the one at the pizzeria we work at.

For some reason I was expecting something a bit more elaborate but the store is rather simple. The two front windows do give a view of some of the merchandise being sold including what appears to be a special on some vintage Post World War 2 Italian gear. “These uniforms look to American.” I commented. “That’s because Italy used a lot of American equipment once they switched sides during the Second World War.” Carpaccio added. She must really know her history, I’ll give her that. “Even after the war, the Italian military used a lot of their military designs up into the modern era. Suffice to say, they are doing a lot better these days in terms of equipment and technology.” “But Carpaccio, some of the gear we use from Italy isn’t all that bad. I quite like my Carro Veloce 33 and how nibble it is. Especially when I get to run circles around all of those big fat ass slow tanks!” “Our P40 isn’t so bad against the other medium tanks either.” implied Chovy. “Though it would be nice to get some Shermans someday.” “Maybe we can steal one from Saunders University High.” “Don’t be silly Pepperoni. We can probably buy one from their stockpile if we save enough money.” Carpaccio remarked. The four of us walk into the store and are greeted by a female store clerk working the shift today. “Hey wait a second. I recognize that voice.” Carpaccio said as she made her way towards the counter.

Behind the counter stood a girl with a small and thin stature. Her hair length did not exceed beyond her shoulders and is light brown in color. She wore similar round glasses to Chovy which was striking considering this girl apart from her in-store uniform and apron also worn a beret that was identical to those worn in Anzio Girls High School. She must had been a first year by the looks of it. She didn't really show any emotion to being recognized. "Say, you must be the girl I bought that charm from yesterday morning!" Carpaccio mentioned as she motioned Chovy to take out her phone with that same charm on it. "So you've created this charm all by yourself huh." said Chovy as she unveiled the Mona Lisa replica charm hanging on her phone. The girl at the counter cleared her throat before finally speaking. "Well, I'm glad you two both seem to be a fan of my work. That's...encouraging I suppose." She didn't really have a lot of enthusiasms in her tone of voice. "So is there anything I can help you all with?"

"Um...yeah, we're looking for an Italian military uniform for our friend here. Do you have anything in stock at the movement?" Pepperoni asked as she strolled around the store looking at all the merchandise. The girl behind the counter scooted towards her laptop and starting going through some spreadsheet. After a few seconds, she had something to tell us. "I got a Bersaglieri SEPT2 composite helmet in stock at the moment. It's kind of a rare piece of equipment. Don't see them too often, even from online retailers. You guys must had some luck on your side today." She pointed to a shipping crate just across from where the counter is located. "I can't promise you it won't be cheap though. Are you sure you three don't want to settle with something more common like our PASGTs or WW2 repros? I'm assuming you're looking for something to use for cosplay or airsoft larp right?" I reached into the crate and pulled out the helmet. It has some woodland style camo cover in addition to a large black feather pinned on the side. It's a little on the large side but I managed to slip it upon my head and the suspension seems to be adjustable. "That's not a bad fit at all Tomio." noted Chovy. "I'm sure we can retrofit the rest of the uniform using American Woodland gear too. That camo pattern is very similar." "I got it cover Nee-san!" Pepperoni shouted as she brought a stack of clothing to me. "By any chance you have a changing room around here?" I asked the girl at the counter. "Well not really, but you can go ahead and use the office room behind me if you have to. I honestly don't care." "Cool. Thanks." I took my clothes and entered the room behind the counter.

As I changed into this uniform, I had to peak around this office room for a second. There's some quite interesting things around here. Some photos of what I assume to be the owner of this shop who doesn't appear to be present at the moment in addition to some framed military memorabilia dating back to the First World War. It's almost like a mini museum in here though I doubt anything on display here is for sale. The strangest thing in this entire room however is a notebook with sketches of various drawings or what I can assume to be schematics. They appear to be schematics for some school projects including something that looks like a flying saucer but with wheels underneath and a wide up mechanism. It even has little cannons placed all around the circumference of this mocked up toy. Another page had a helix shape helicopter thing. Not to mention, these drawings are pretty extraordinary when it comes to little details. This girl who works behind the counter must be behind these sketches. I assume she must be in the art club at Anzio or something.

I'm impressed that Pepperoni was able to find all the right sizes for me because this uniform has a good fit on me I think. So without further hesitation, just before I walk out that door, I pull out some classic style aviator shades that I had brought from home to finish up the disguise. As soon returned from that little office room, Chovy's face lit up. "Wow Tomio! You look like a real Italian soldier!" Carpaccio didn't look to convinced. "Well, it's not perfect, but I think it might do. The shades kind of help. Though I wouldn't say it's authentic." "Nah, I think it looks really good too. Whaddya think huh?" Pepperoni asked the girl behind the counter. All she gave as a response was a disappointed sigh. "So what are you three actually intending to do with this uniform?" she asked bluntly. "It's all for a costume party." I said impulsively. "You see, I'm obviously not from Anzio Girls High because I'm a guy and well, these three invited me to an Italian themed party and well....I gotta have something Italian right?" "Uh. Sure alright then." the girl said as she started calculating the cost of the entire uniform in addition to the helmet. "I just hope you have enough for all this so you are just wasting my time." The price actually wasn't too bad though it was still pretty steep for what we were going to use the uniform for. "It's alright you two, I got it covered." Chovy stated as she pulled out her debit card. "You're from Anzio too right? Our berets are practically the same. You should consider joining the Sensha-do team. We're desperate for new members. "I was on the Sensha-do team." replied the girl. "But I quit. I thought you knew that Derp-che!""Hey don't you bad mouth Nee-san like that!" shouted Pepperoni as she was getting ready to jump over the counter. "Let me bruise up this dork Nee-san. For your reputation!" "No Pepperoni!" snapped Anchovy. "No violence against other Anzio Students!" She didn't seem too pleased about the fact that somebody actually quit the Sensha-do team. "Why did you quit if you don't mind me asking?"

"It was irritating. I didn't get to drive any tanks while on the team. Kind of defeats the whole purpose behind joining the Sensha-do team doesn't it?" She closed her laptop and sat on the stole behind the counter with her arms crossed. "So I was regulated to vehicle maintenance the entire time I was on the team. I kind of actually enjoyed working on the Tanks but you guys..." She groaned. "Gaaauugh you all bring me these tanks in some of the most abhorrent conditions after these matches. When we won against Maginot Girls' College, I thought things were turning around for a second but then we lost against Oarai Girls' Academy. After seeing you lose to a no-name school like that, I lost hope in your cause and left without notice." She took a sip from a canteen from the counter. "Not to mention, I got pretty sick of the festivals and food. I couldn't even make friends with any of my crew-mates. They are all equally airheads and annoying." Seems like this girl was tired of Sensha-do way before Chovy broke her silence on her feelings for the whole thing. Chovy responded accordingly: "I'm sorry you felt that way....um..." The girl frowned "Jeez, you don't even remember my nickname either. Some commander you are." interjected the girl. "I was known as Da-Vinci. You know, the freshman who was also part of the Art Club, Math Club, and Engineers of Anzio club.

"Right. Da-Vinci was one of our Freshman recruits" Carpaccio seemed to finally remembered. "It was right after you became Duce for the school that she joined. We didn't have enough tanks for the freshman so we regulated them to cooking and maintenance duty." "Yeah, that's true." admitted Chovy. "But I had no idea they would feel that way about being in that situation. I must really had messed up as a leader huh." she said melancholy. "I hate to admit this but you're right Da-Vinci. I kind of screwed up as a commander and I should had done more to incorporate you into the team. I guess I got too carried away with my own image." "Is that so?" Da-Vinci noted. "You know, I didn't think you'd be that humble with that kind of response. I always thought you be some kind of ego maniac." "To tell you the truth, I did kind of act like that sometimes." replied Chovy. "But I wasn't always like that you know. I used to be like you before joining Sensha-do. I didn't make any connections either during my first year transferred to Anzio. I honestly preferred literature arts myself."

"So I am assuming this uniform you're buying now must have something to do with Sensha-do right?" Da-Vinci asked. "Unfortunately so." muttered Chovy. "They were going to disguise me as a military foreigner to observe their Sensha-do practice." I added. Basically to provided some outsider insight to their tactics. Even though I don't know much about Sensha-do myself. "Hmm...that's kind of dumb." remarked Da-Vinci. "It's not dumb if Nee-san thought of it!" Pepperoni was agitated with Da-Vinci and it shows. "As if you could think of something better." "I wouldn't need to." she snapped back. "Because I wouldn't bring guys to Anzio at all. That's against Sensha-do policy. Still. I won't say a word about your little plan to the other girls at school." "Well I'm glad you're able to at least do that for us." Chovy said. "But I do have to ask you one last thing. A favor if you would." "Is this about Sensha-do again?" Da-Vinci grumbled. "I already told you, I'm done with Sensha-do." "We could really use your talents." Carpaccio interjected. "No kidding, you should had seen her sketches, they really are impressive." I mentioned to Da-Vinci's discontent. "So you were looking at my sketchbook! You ...." she sighed before returning back to her cool temperament. "Do you expect me to go back to fixing tanks again?" "N-no." muttered Chovy. "I'm looking for candidates to potentially replace me when I graduate." Da-Vinci's eyes lit up a when she said that. "Is that so? Please tell me more."
