A Summer With Chovy: Chahpter 16: Hanging out with Tommy

We were able to purchase the uniform and helmet at a decent price. That should hopefully be convincing enough of a uniform to sneak me into their Sensha-do practice on Saturday. As for Da-Vinci, Chovy was able to convince her to at least to return to the team with the promise of possibly becoming commander for the entire team. Since Carpaccio isn't willing to take the role and Pepperoni is too aggressive and reckless with her tactics on the field, she's been looking into other members during these practice sessions in terms of how they are able to command and control their tank crew on the battlefield. She's select those who have shown great promise in the training exercises and plans to have them go against each other in a practice elimination game to see as a means of selecting the best girl for the role. "Are you sure about this Da-Vinci chick? She doesn't have tank driving skills, let alone leadership experience compared to our other candidates." Pepperoni asked as she faked a cough right after. "*cough* *cough* I'm more qualified anyways *cough* *cough*" "We'll have to see about that when you go up against the other candidates on Saturday." Chovy said as she struggled to get comfortable in the back seat. "What did I just say about moving your seat all the way back?!" Pepperoni reluctantly moved her seat forward. "Jeez, just when I was getting comfy."

"So you're totally alright if we hang out at your house for a little while Tomio?" Carpaccio asked. "It's not a problem at all." I replied. "Besides, we still have the rest of the day off anyways. How do you girls feel about watching some home videos. Directed and acted by yours truly!" "He used to be in the film club at his school you know." Chovy interjected. "I think he should help make a nice recruitment video for Anzio for all the incoming freshman. Or maybe..." "Maybe we should make our own movie. Is that what you had in mind Chovy?" I felt her intentions almost naturally at this point. It's like I'm beginning to become accustomed to her way of thinking. "That could help raise some funds for the Sensha-do team too." Chovy gave a warm smile and nodded. Her brown eyes gleaming as they glanced at me. Her wavy green ponytails and cute mannerism are always winning me over. I am truly madly in love with her. "I think that's a wonderful idea Tommy."

We pulled up to my house and my mother's car seems to also be parked there as well. There's no hiding the fact that I brought three girls to my house to hang out. Not that there's anything to be ashamed about that. It's an improvement to just having Nano hang out after school or during breaks. My mother was watching TV in the living room as we walked inside. "Mom! I'm home! I brought some friends with me too. Hope it's not too much trouble." "Tomio, you can't be serious. You didn't just bring a bunch of frie..." she peaked over her shoulder and saw I wasn't lying. Even more so considering they are all girls. "Well Tomio, I can't say I'm disappointed. I didn't know you were improving this much all within a week of working." She got up and approached the girls from Anzio to great them. "I'm Tomio's mother. It's nice to meet you all." She bowed towards Pepperoni, Carpaccio, and of course Chovy. "Please, make yourselves at home." "It's a pleasure to meet you!" all three of them greeted with full manners. "Well, we'll be in my room. Call us if anything mom."

I lead the way through the hallways of my house into my room. What was once a private sanctuary is now being used as a spot for my new friends to hang out together. I took out some pillows from my closet and placed them on the floor. "Please make yourselves comfortable." I sat next to Chovy while Pepperoni and Carpaccio sat right beside us. "I'll see what's a good one to show for you all. Something with a bit of humor." I got up and started going through my tapes of all the various home movies I made for the film club. I think this one might be a good starting film. It was filmed not too long ago, back when I was in Freshman year. Our first video project in which Nano and I are private investigators trying to solve a murder case in the school library. A few other students from my school make an appearance as well. "I think you all are going to like this one." I took the tape and inserted it into the deck player. I sat down next to Chovy again and brought out some snacks for the four of us to share as we watch. "Thanks for the commodities Tommy." Chovy said as she took a bite from one of her snacks. "Care to do the honors?" I handed Chovy the remote to the player so she can begin the tape." She took it into her hands and gave some quick glances at Carpaccio and Pepperoni who were more than ready to start the film.

Author's Note: The events of this film will be a bonus chapter seperated from the mainline story. Keep an eye out for it real soon.

Time flew by before any of us even knew and it seems like the girls were getting sleepy once the sun was starting to set. "Thanks for letting us hang out with you Tomio. You don't seem like a bad guy after all." remarked Pepperoni. "i can see why Chovy has great admiration for you. I'm glad she's finally happy with a boy that suits her well." I'm flattered. "Oh. Thanks. I'm not all that special really." "Well, in any case, we'll be heading out now. Hey Nee-san, you're coming along?" Chovy was still sitting next to me as Carpaccio and Pepperoni were already up on their feet. "Actually, I'm going to spend the rest of the night with Tomio." "Oh! Is that so. How romantic!" Carpaccio's enthusiasm for our relationship is anything but subtle. "Then I guess we'll just see you tomorrow at work again!" "I guess that's fine by me." muttered Pepperoni. "But if you try to do any funny businesses with Nee-san and I swear I'll fucking destroy you!" "I'm not that kind of guy Pepperoni." I assured her. Carpaccio chuckled a little before returning back to her calm persona. "Have a goodnight you two. Ciao!" "Arrivederci!!!" Pepperoni shouted as they were already leaving from my home.

"So we're finally alone together at last." I spoke softly to Chovy who is embracing me as we sit on the floor. "Was there anything you wanted to say to me in private?" "No. I just want to be close to you Tomio. Hold me tightly." I do as I told her and we cuddle for sometime on the floor as she begins to fall asleep on me. I toy with her hair and even undo her ponytails so that her hair drops freely. "Hang on one second." Chovy said as she got up and reached into her backpack. She had her contact lenses and glasses cases pulled out from her bag. I have to take these off first. She does so accordingly and puts on her glasses. "Much better." I tell her as I embrace her again but this time we are sitting on my bed. "Do you really think I look better with Glasses?" She asks me as she snuggles close to me. "I always thought you looked cuter with them Chovy." "You're the first person to ever tell me that Tommy." We both fall together onto the bed with our backs lying on the mattress at last. "You really do love the real me." Chovy whispered into my ear. "Thank you....Tommy."
