A Summer With Chovy: Chahpter 17: Operation Stolen Valor Phase 1

It’s been two days past up until this point. It’s about time for me return the favor I owe to Chovy. She did after all become my girlfriend and inspired me to do something productive with my life. So for the next few days, I’ll be staying at Anzio’s Girl’s High School. Of course, guys aren’t allowed to participate in Sensha-do activities but that’s where this mock-up Italian military uniform comes in. By pretending to be part of a foreign military advisor for the school, it might be good enough for me to lay low for the next few days at Anzio. This means I can’t really openly flirt with Chovy which is going to suck but it’s for a good cause. I’ll even get my own guest room where I can rest up and have some privacy. It’s a good thing I have this suitcase with me. Didn’t think I’d be needing it anytime soon but at ast my time has come to finally utilize it. I’ll be packing a few essentials, extra clothes to sleep in, and of course my good old school video camera so I can record some Sensha-do action. This is all going to be a first for me. Hopefully Chovy will get to show me how everything is done in the sport of Tankery. One additional accessory added thanks to Carpaccio suggestion is this fake mustache she gave me the day before at work. She insisted that I use it to make myself more mature looking since I had too much of a baby face. That’s unfortunate to say the least but I’m still just a high schooler. Though I must say, if it weren’t for the military uniform, I’d look like one of those 70s porn star actors from those American sets. Don’t ask how I know.

”Tomio! Someone is at the door! I think it’s one of your friends from that Anzio school!” Of course. Chovy will be giving me a ride to Anzio High so I guess she must be ready. It’s still really early which is kind of unexpected for her. “Just a second! I’ll be right there!” I called as I finished buttoning up my uniform and fixed my fake mustache. I made it to the front door and almost had myself ready to embrace Chovy in my arms until I heard a familiar voice shrieking when I opened the door. “AAGGGGH AN ITALIAN MAN!!!!”

”Nano?! I shouted. Could you stop screaming? It’s me Tomio!” I took off my shades to emphasis the point. “Since when did you get back from America?” “Fucking hell Tomio, you scared the piss out of me.” He explained. “Turns out my little vacation in America is all done and over with so I came back with my family to Japan. Was a good time, not going to lie Tomio.” He started giving me an odd look. He even did that stupid anime troupe where the dorky character adjusts his glasses with his finger. That’s very typical for Nano. “What’s the larp gear Tomio? You’re doing airsoft now? And what’s with the 70s porno mustache.” “It’s not a porno mustache!” I cried. “But yeah I thought the same thing too. I’m actually going to be gone for a few days. I’m going to help supervise the Anzio Sensha-do team for the next few days.” “You what…” stuttered Nano. “Bro. You’re joking right. How…..” He finally realized it. “Oh that’s right. You told me you were dating that Anzio chick Anchovy right?” “Yep, and sooner or later she’s going to be here to give me a lift over there. I’d invite you over but they don’t allow guys over there unless your a supervisor. Hence the getup.” Nano scratches his chin for a minute. “You lucky bastard.” He mumbled. “You still have that camera from school right?” “It’s right here my man.” I took the camera out from the suitcase. “Don’t worry Nano. I’ll make sure I get some tankery highlights from their practice just for you.” “Forget the tanks Tomio. Record the girls too!” “Nano, I’m not going to taking voyeur vids you sick freak! Go get your own Italian costume!” We both heard chuckle not too far from us. A girl’s chuckle. It’s Chovy.

We both turned our heads to the right where she was leaning her back against my house watching the whole reunion. “Chovy! When did you get here?” “Same time he did.” She mentioned as she pointed towards Nano. “Oh right. Chovy, this is Nano. He’s an friend from school. He’s a big fan of Sensha-do to put it bluntly eh Nano?” He was sitting in awe of being in front of a Sensha-do star. “A-A-Anchovy….no way!!!” He nervously bluttered. “I…..I….” He gets on his knee and bows. “I KNEEL!” “You could just shake my hands Nano.” Chovy insisted as she offered her hand. “Oh...uh right of course!” He shook her hand with enthusiasm. “So you’re dating Tomio right?” She gave a nod. “Damn Tomio. I’m absolutely jealous. But nice work either way.” “Did you find any hot girls in America?” I asked Nano. “Naaah, not really.” He shrugged. “Besides, I only got feelings for my one true sweetheart here in Japan.” “You don’t mean Alisa?” I implied. “Wait? You’re talking about that bratty Saunders High girl right?!” added Chovy. “I recognize her. She’s Kay’s side commander prodigy who keeps whining about her ex or something.” Nano’s eyes lit up. “Yeah! She’s so cute! Had a crush on her since Freshman year at our old high school.” “I wouldn’t call her personality cute to say the least.” noted Chovy. “Small world after all I suppose. Anyways, I’m ready when you are Tomio.” “Yeah I got everything I need. Sorry Nano. I can’t hang around for long.” “Don’t sweat it Tomio. Just give me call if you need any help with Sensha-do stuff. I know all about tankery since I do watch all the matches.” “I wasn’t lying about him being a big fan was I Chovy? Yeah man, I’ll give you a call if there’s any trouble.” We both did a fist pump handshake. Chovy joined in too. “Nice meeting you too Nano. If it weren’t for these dumb Sensha-do regulations, I’d invite you along with Tomio to watch us practice.” “It’s all good Duce! I’m just glad I got to meet a Sensha-do star.” “Ah jeez, I’m not that great you know. Our school didn’t even make Semi-finals.” “That’s not true at all.” Nano cleared his throat as he tried to sound inspirational. “Sensha-do isn’t about winning matches. It’s about putting on a show of courage and determination regardless of the end results.” Chovy looked on with confusion. “Erm...what I meant to say is that your last match against St. Gloriana’s was entertaining and you did the best you could.” “Oh. Thank you Nano.” “Alright. Well I guess we better head to Anzio High then. Catch you later Nano!” “Show those girls at Anzio what us Dweebs are capable of Tomio!” he called out from a distance as we got into Carpaccio’s car. Chovy managed to park out of sight which is probably why I wasn’t able to see her at first. “Wait! That kind of sounded wrong! I don’t mean it like that HAHA! Just have fun Tomio!” Nano continued to shout as we finally drove off down the road. I watch from the passenger side mirror as Nano and my house disappear from my view.

“He’s not a bad guy Tommy.” Chovy said as she handed me a binder full of notes. “Perhaps we should help with that whole Alisa crush thing he has. I can probably ask Kay or Naomi from Saunders to arrange something. “I doubt it.” I said bluntly. “Alisa can’t stand Nano. It’s been like that since Freshman year. I know first hand how stuck up she can be.” I started scrolling through the binder of notes. There’s various topics on the kind of tanks Anzio High operates alongside some playbook style pages of formations, firing techniques, and other technicalities. “This is all good and all, but there’s one more thing I must get done first.” I told Chovy. “Can we pull over for a second?” “Uh sure I guess.” Chovy pulls over to the side of the road. “What is it Tommy?” “Can we kiss once more before we go to Anzio High? It’s going to be a while before we’ll be able to do that again.” She started blushing from her checks. “O-Okay fine...just this once but can you please take off that silly mustache at least!” “Uh...sure.” Damn. The sticky residue on this mustache is pretty strong. It kind of hurt to peel it off. “Well, it’s off now...so…” We both blankly stared at each other for a few seconds before slowly creeping in close to each other until our lips touched. We were kissing for quite a while. I don’t even think Chovy would mind kissing like this in public. But she’s putting her all into her kiss which is surprising to say the least. She’s being more intimate with her affection towards me. I try to match her intensity as best as I could. I wish this could last forever.

We finally stopped. Chovy couldn’t believe she’d get that much into kissing me. I couldn’t say anything else after that point. A little bit of awkward silence until Chovy was able to say something to get our mind into another subject. Specifically our operation to bring me to Anzio to watch them practice. “So back to business.” She stated as she pull out from the side of the road back onto the main road. “Starting from now, we’ll execute Operation Stolen Valor.” “That’s kind of a sadly ironic name for this operation.” I said nonchalantly. “That may be Tommy, but this plan is going to make Anzio and our time together as lovers amazing. You’ll see.” A few minutes past and I can already see the school’s towering dormitories and facilities. Especially the cathedral like structure in the middle of it all. Just as I remembered from that time we dropped off pizza with Gio. Chovy drove into the parking lot where Pepperoni and Carpaccio were waiting for us. Thus begins my experience observing the girls of Anzio High and their training to become the greatest Sensha-do team in all of Japan. At least that’s what I’m hoping to see.
