Chapter 4: Love Sick

I couldn’t get any sleep last night. All I could do was just stare at my ceiling and think about Chovy. From the time I first saw her to the moment we held hands for that photo booth. Speaking of which. I placed most of those photo stickers from the night before onto my laptop which already has a bunch of other stickers (Yeah I know, I’m a sucker for putting stickers on my laptop). But I made sure to put the one with Chovy and I on the bezel of my laptop. I think it’s kind of like one of those wartime photos where soldiers would place photos of their family or loved ones in their tanks or plane cockpit….err something like that. But I can’t just lie down and do nothing all day. I did get to talk to my mom this morning and she basically asked why I came home so late. I just told her I wanted to check out the arcade downtown and got a ride home from a co-worker. Seemed good enough for her I suppose. I didn’t want to tell her about being in love with a girl from work so might as well keep the details as vague as possible. On the other hand, I was supposed to do some house chores today so I better get started on those right now!

So I spent most of my morning cleaning around the house and especially my bedroom. I don’t have much other than some old choir binders, school textbooks I don’t even look through, and a DVD collection of old home movies I used to make with my friend from school which all sit nicely on a bookshelf. I have this really sturdy desk that I had for God knows how long already. I know it’s really robust because I sometimes have a bad habit of knocking my toes on it. Wish I could wear slippers in this room but my feet get too warm. There’s of course my laptop that I mentioned early. Technically I got it for school but it’s mainly a personal computer for all of my time wasting activities. It’s got a DVD player which is a plus because I don’t even have a television in this room to watch any of the old home movies I used to make. I don’t have a reason for one. I don’t even watch the one in the living room because frankly there’s nothing worth watching. Not even the Sensha-do matches which I can just watch on the internet if I really wanted to. I know my friend is really into that kind of stuff. Speaking of which. I wonder if’s he’s online or even awake right now. I should check on him.

I pop open my laptop, boot into this crappy operating system, and launch my messenger client. It seems to be showing that he is online which is surprising considering he’s in another timezone across the pacific. Let’s see if he’s up for a chat.

Tommygun: Nano! Are you up?

Nano: Tomio! Jesus man, it’s been forever. I’m surprised I’m even up this late. Is it daytime back home or what? And what’s with the username?

Tommygun: Barely. Yeah I figured Tommy was a dumb way to represent my real name. Tommy guns are also pretty cool I guess. How’s Burgerland treating you over there?

Nano: It’s the shit man. The Sensha-do matches are way over the top compared to the ones we have back home. They are kind of like those monster truck rallys where they have pyrotechnics and shit. The food here is amazing too though I think I might had gained like 2kg in just one week of eating the food here.

Tommygun: Well don’t over eat. We may be losers but we’re not sore losers.

Nano: Yeah you’re right. I don’t know what it is with American food. Do they put something in the food that makes it so fattening?

Tommygun: I wouldn’t know. There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about. I got a summer job now.

Nano: KEK. You’re fucking serious man? What is the world coming to when Tomio is starting to wage slave!

Tommygun: Well it’s not all that bad. The pay is alright and you get free meals afterwards anyways. It’s certainly superior to eating microwave food."

Nano: Hmm I guess you got a point there.

Tommygun: But that’s not all. I got to befriend a girl there too.


Tommygun: Yeah, it’s pretty crazy. She’s really cute. She’s a great cook too. She was shy at first but she becomes really energetic once she gets used to you. But that’s not all!

Nano: Goodness. You’re scaring me Tomio. When did you turn into a normalfag?

Tommygun: Yeah I know. I must of got lucky or something. But we aren’t even dating or even confessed to each other yet. It’s really weird. I was able to hold her hand for a bit though.

Nano: AAAAAAAAGGGHH STOP IT! I’M GOING INSANE….but for real though, you’re not her boyfriend or anything like that?

Tommygun: Not quite. I’ve been hesitant. Being too much of a bitch to ask her out or confess to her. You know how it is for guys like us.

Nano: But does she seem interested in you?

Tommygun: My guess is that she might be. She’s been good to me for these past two days already.

Nano: Bro. What are you waiting for?!! You need to ask her out already?!!!

Tommygun: I can’t. Especially right now. You see she’s doing Sensha-do practice today so she’s kind of busy.


Tommygun: lmao she’s actually the main tank commander for Anzio High

Nano: Wait. You don’t mean Anchvoy right? THE ANCHOVY! She’s one of the major commanders in the Sensha-do scene! She pretty much revived the school’s tank team from the day she transferred there! You’d be a legend if that were true.

Tommygun: I’m sorry to bear the news to you but I did indeed befriend the Anchovy from Anzio high. Her real name is Chiyomi Anzai, but I call her Chovy for short.

Nano: Aghhh you’re already giving her nicknames. I’m so fucking jealous man. You need to confess to her bro. You hit the jackpot!

Tommygun: Like I said, I can’t. She’s busy today.

Nano: Did you get her number?

Tommygun: Damnit! How can I be so stupid. I should of asked her the night before.

Nano: lmao you loser!

Tommygun: You’re one too

Nano: Touche. You got me there too. But on a serious note, you should be honest with your feelings for her whenever you can. Hold it off for too long and it’s going to be too late.

Tommygun: You’re right. But how do you even know that? You never even had a girlfriend.

Nano: Visual Novels. Do you speak it?

Tommygun: Well of course but this is a little big different from any VN I’d ever played.

Nano: Yeah because you’re actually seeing a Sensha-do star!

Tommygun: That’s true but something I also need to mention is that she tends to hide the fact she’s Anchovy by wearing glasses and tying her hair into a single braid or letting it flow loose. She’s not really comfortable with letting people know that.

Nano: So why are you telling me her little secret

Tommygun: Oh crap, I’d shouldn’t have said anything. Well because you’re my good friend and besides, who are you even going to tell about what I just said to you.

Nano: It’s just my distant family and myself over here. I doubt any of them actually care about sports outside of America. Don’t worry though, I won’t tell anyone.

Tommygun: And who knows, maybe if she does end up being in a relationship with me, maybe I can introduce her to you. Who knows, maybe you can get an autograph from her to add to your Sensha-do memorabilia?

Nano: You know. That would actually be very appreciative Tomio. Getting autographs from the school generals is tough enough when the tournaments are usually packed. You wouldn’t know since you don’t really care for tank battles anyways.

Tommygun: Well I like to watch Tankathlon sometimes.

Nano: Yeah but that’s all informal and kind of dangerous to spectate in person. I don’t want to get run over by cute girls in tanks.

Tommygun: Yeah, that wouldn’t be all that great

Nano: Anyways it’s getting late but honestly you really need to talk to her and tell her how you feel when you get the chance. Don’t hold it off. You’re very lucky you got into the zone with a Sensha-do member, let alone a major team leader. Don’t end up in the friend zone. Go for the bone zone!

Tommygun: Seriously Nano? I don’t want to take it that far.

Nano: Nah, just messing with you. Take care man. Be like a Tommygun and spray and pray….crap that doesn’t sound right either.

Tommygun: lol

Nano: Talk to you later bro. Peace!

So he finally logged off. I guess he’s right about just owning up to her about how I feel about her. Thing is, I can’t just sneak into Anzio High and try to find her. It’s bad enough it’s too far for me to take my bike to. It’s probably going to creep her out if I pulled a stunt like that, especially in an all girl’s school. Oh well. I guess I have to wait until tomorrow. Better figure out something to waist my time for today.

I spent the majority of the day doing absolutely nothing productive. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything to keep me occupied without thinking about Chovy and what my friend Nano told me today. The anticipation for tomorrow is killing me. The sun is already setting and it feels like time is moving too slowly. It’s driving me crazy. I don’t want to fall asleep early either because I’ll just wake up too early and feel just as anxious. “Tomio? Are you feeling alright?” my mother asks me while we were having dinner. I tell her “Oh it’s nothing. Just been really bored today. I’ve got so used to working these past few days. I really should look into getting my driver’s license soon.” My mom then suggest to me “Then you better start saving for a car first. Also try not to stay up too late.” Well that’ not really the issue. I can sort of sleep but I keep waking up from my sleep last night. And it’s going to be a long while before I can afford some sort of used car to take my driver’s test. Just as I was finishing my dinner, someone starts knocking on my door. “It must be the delivery man. I was supposed to get a package this week but it never came. I’ll go get it.” I was honestly thinking that since I really was expecting an order I made this week. But the moment I opened the door, it was like a huge weight of anxiety dropped like a sack of….errr potatoes… yeah let’s go with that.

”Chovy…what are you doing here?” She mutters “Tommy...we need to talk about something. Can I come in?” She's wearing her Anzio High uniform and has her hair in a ponytail. Not a style I've seen her do before. She does look like something is bothering her. Will today be my chance to open up to her?

Chovy…I assumed she must of came straight from her Sensha-do practice. You’d think they’ll be wrapping up at this point of time but it seems like she came earlier than expected. I thought we were supposed to meet on Sunday. Seems like something must be bothering her to come see me this soon. As I move out of the way to let her in, she then whispers to me something very straight forward: “We need to meet somewhere with privacy. I’m sorry, I can introduce myself to your family just yet.” I kind of motion her to the direction of my bedroom which is opposite of where the dinning room is located luckily. “Tomio! Who’s at the door?!” my mom calls out from the dinning room. “It’s just one of those scouts selling cookies again.” I shout back to her. Hopefully that excuse would be good enough for her. “I’m done for tonight mom. I’m going to call it a night.

I proceed to make my way into my bedroom. I should had expected it but She’s now checking out my room and going through my stuff. It’s not like I have anything to hide (except on my laptop though it’s password protected anyways) but it’s still kind of worrisome. “You have a nice room Tommy.” She said as she sits down on my bed. “You’re organized than I thought you’d might be. I like that.” I prompt her directly “Chovy. Did something bad happen today?” She looks down at the floor and sighs. “No Tommy. It’s just….well.” She’s having trouble trying to say what she wants to say. “I just couldn’t focus at all during Sensha-do practice. I kept dozing off when I should’ve been focused on training. All of the other girls noticed too. They thought I wasn’t feeling well so I told them I’d head back to my dorm for today and get some rest. I feel awful about it because I’m not sick.” She looks at me briefly with her eyes before looking away in embarrassment. “This is all your fault Tommy.” She mumbles.

”Chovy. What did I do wrong? Did I upset you or something?” I hope I didn’t make her mad or anything. I can’t think of anything that I might had done to cause her to feel like that. Maybe that instance yesterday when we held hands during the photo booth? Perhaps I might had made that advance earlier than I should. Damnit. I shouldn’t try to force her to love me or anything. Maybe she’s just uncomfortable with the way things are going with me. But her next response blew all that out of the water.

”No Tomio.” She used my real name this time. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I like hanging out with you and I am thankful for all the help you provided me and my family business. It’s just that you caused me to feel something.” She’s now blushing from her checks. Probably the most I’d seen her blush so far. “I don’t know how to explain it but…” I interrupt her “Chiyomi...I have something to tell you too.” She was caught off guard by my willingness to tell her something. “I’ve been feeling uneasy all day too. Ever since…well….yesterday.” “Tomio...I think I…” Chovy begins to stutter “l-like being with you a-lot.” Is that my heart I feel twitching right now? She then grabbed both of my hands and dragged me down close to her so we are now facing each other. “Tomio…” I’m too shocked to even react to whatever she’s saying. “TOMIO!” She’s almost yelling but not loud enough to alert my mother. “I’M CONFESSING TO YOU!” She sputtered. “I can’t believe you Tomio! You should be ashamed that a girl had to confess to you first!” She calms down a little bit. “But you should also feel happy. I admire you Tomio. But do you admire me. Please just tell me!”

Oh god. She said it. She’s into me. I am going to fall apart in front of her but I won’t let myself do that. There’s only one thing I can do. I pull her towards me and hug her tightly. It was probably the most intimate hug I’d ever given anyone. I had to. I too had feelings for her all along. Not just from yesterday but since I first saw her. That quiet dorky pizza girl who turned out to be Anchovy, a Sensha-do legend. Now she’s my dork. My legend. My Chovy. “Chovy.” I whisper to her ear. “I wanted to confess to you to but I planned to wait til tomorrow. It was driving me crazy all day. I couldn’t sleep.” I can feel her snuggling her head against my neck. Is that tears I feel on my neck too. She’s lightly sobbing but I can only assume she’s probably real happy that she got her uncertain feelings sorted out and resolved. She’s not really saying much but she’s definitely hugging me back. I can feel her emotional attachment to me. She’s enjoying every moment of this hug.

She eventually let’s go and wipes away her tears. She’s got more to say to me. “You made me so happy Tomio. But…” She snaps back to her serious tone. “We might be a couple going forward but I’m still representing Anzio High and the Sensha-do team. I have to be a good role model to the school and so should you. That means we shouldn’t do any sort of lewd stuff that’ll make us look bad.” “What about kissing?” I ask her. “Eh...K-kissing? Umm...ummm.” I can’t help but chuckle since she’s starting to overheat at the thought of kissing. It’s to cute for me to handle. I should tease her more often. It cures my soul. “It’s okay Chiyomi. I won’t make you do anything you feel is uncomfortable.” I confirm to her to make her feel better. She replies back: “It’s not like I’m against kissing or anything like that. It’s just...well...I never kissed anyone before.” “Neither did I Chiyomi.” I tell her. “But I guess we don’t have to do that just yet, since we are both new to this kind of stuff.” “Yeah, your right Tomio. Let’s keep our relationship confidential for now. I don’t want to have rumors spreading around the Sensha-do scene or at Anzio. It’s already bad enough Darjeeling probably already assumes what’s going on since last night. Besides her, Carpaccio knows about you and me so...I think I can trust her.” She gets up from my bed and grabs her backpack. “So just as planned. I’ll stop by tomorrow morning, introduce myself to your family, and we’ll head out.” I nod back at her. “I’ll see if I can have breakfast set up for all of us tomorrow too. I’m glad you came by Chiyomi.” She smiles at me and then asks “So how can I escape from here without waking anyone up?” “ could just use my lemme open it up for you.” I unlock my window and pull the lock open. “You should of came through here but it’s not like you knew where my bedroom was anyways. Say where did you park your moped anyways?” She suddenly went pale.

”OH CRAP! I LEFT IT IN FRONT OF YOUR HOUSE! HOW CAN I BE SO STUPID. IF YOUR PARENTS SAW IT THEY MIGHT THINK….well I think I better get going. See you tomorrow Tomio.” Just as she’s crossing through my window towards the front yard. I call her out one more time. “Chiyomi! Could I continue to call you Chovy again?” She turns around and winks at me “Sure thing Tommy. You can call me whatever you want. We're lovers afterall!” “Thank you Chovy. Be careful out there okay. I don’t want anything to ruin your cuteness.” She blushes and then waves at me goodbye before heading back to her scooter. So this is how my summer with Chovy really begins huh? Wonder what kind of antics we’ll get ourselves into before the school semester begins.”

End of Chapter 4.
