A Summer With Chovy: Chapter 5: A Date With Chovy

Sunday morning. Suns barely glaring through my window. Usually the light bothers me so much, I have to close the curtains to try to block the rays coming into my room. This is not one of those days. I am going on a date with Chovy. A real date this time. Just the two of us. But she’s going to stop by hear first for breakfast which means I need to stop pondering and make myself presentable as soon as I can. As I go through my drawers, I’m disheartened that I don’t really have anything decent to wear for today. You’d think every guy on earth at least has some kind of formal wear just laying around but I never thought I was ever going to look presentable to anyone. I should had ditched that loser mindset long time ago. I suppose I could wear my school uniform but that would be kind of dumb. I hate wearing that thing anyways. I guess it’s t-shirt and slacks unfortunately. At least they are mostly plain colors anyways. But that’s still too casual. I have a canvas jacket which wouldn’t be too bad but it might be too hot to wear outdoors. Whatever. I can tie it around my waist when I don’t feel like wearing it. I might need the extra pockets it has anyways.

So I did my typical morning routine of showering and spending a little extra time making myself look presentable. My mom walks in and asks “Are you winning Son?” “Fuck yeah I’m winning!” Just kidding. She actually asked me “Tomio, what are you doing?” so I had be me a bit sparse with what’s actually going on. “Well mom, one of my co-workers from my job is going to stop for some breakfast. She’s actually wants to meet you. Then afterwards, we’re going to do some supply shopping for the pizzeria afterwards” The last bit is not true at all, we are going to some places and have some quality time together. “Her name is Chiyomi Anzai and she’s my senpai so I have to make a good impression. I don’t want to get fired from my summer job.” She seems bewildered that I would even make any effort at all doing anything. “Well I’m glad your finally starting to pull yourself together,” She tells me. “Maybe perhaps you’ll do the same with your school work and maybe a girlfriend assuming you actually find someone.” Yeah, if only if I actually found someone mom. Surely it can’t be the girl I’m inviting over today. She may be my superior in grade and rank but she’s a cutie that I want to tease, make her blush, and love to no end. It’s love that drives me forward, not willpower. That’s probably not a good way to handle life I think. Oh well.

I’ve already started making preparations in the kitchen; plates, utensils, tea, but I just don’t know what to make. My cooking skills outside of my job are lackluster at best. I don’t want to give her food poisoning either with some experimental cooking. I can’t go wrong with pancakes I think. It’s a little unhealthy for a proper breakfast but it beats serving rice and eggs. It’s our date day after all so might as well do something a little special. I just add a little bit of syrup and some whip cream which I used to draw a smile on the pancakes. It’s a little pathetic and I would like to draw a heart but that would give away the date idea to my mom if she saw it.

I hear some knocking at the door. She’s here! I seriously hope I don’t blow this date from the get go. I’m not feeling confident nor do I think I’ll be able to handle seeing my date without collapsing from an accelerated heart beat and screaming “AWOOOOGAA!” like some cartoon character from the 1940s. I quickly make my way to the door and open it. There’s only one word I am able to blurt out the moment I saw her. “ah...”. MY GOD SHE’S GORGEOUS! I don’t know what she did but she made herself rather hot this time around. I swear, I don’t know how she’s able to make herself all innocent and cute to making herself look like this. She’s wearing a striped dress with her shoulders exposed, a gold jewelry accents that I would had never guessed she’d ever pull off. Her hair is nice and loose but not messy by any means. She’d even went as far as to wear a flower headband. If you were to look at her at a glance, you wouldn’t even guess this is the same Chiyomi Anzai from the pizzeria nor Duce Anchovy of Anzio High. I’m impressed, enchanted, and honestly ashamed that I couldn’t go out of my way like she did to make myself really stand out like her. Not that I was capable to begin with. I am so lucky to even be in a relationship with someone like Chovy.

”Good morning Tommy. You look really handsome today.” She holds my hand and rubs them with hers. “Ch-Chiyomi….Chovy….y-y-y-you look amazing” I stuttered. She giggles and pulls me in for a hug. Aggghh my heart. “I – I made pancakes Chovy….um….you like pancakes.” She eases up her hug. “Pancakes from my Tommy, how exciting. I can’t wait to try them.” She doesn’t seem so nervous like how I am. Perhaps now that we are dating, she’s probably more comfortable around me. I’m just not used to her looking so beautiful so it’s throwing me off. I’m not going to let that distract me as much as I want it to. The date must go on! So we both head to the dining room where my mom is finishing her breakfast and getting ready to see some relatives out of town. “Mom, we have a guest this morning. This is Chiyomi Anzai. She’s my co-worker and superior. She goes to Anzio High.” My mom shakes hands with Chovy. “It’s pleasure to meet you Miss Anzai. You’re very beautiful too. I bet you’re making my son very nervous.” Damn. She got me there. Chovy nods. “I’m always making him nervous but don’t worry, he’s a good guy. He’s a big help at the pizzeria. I’m just glad he’s inviting me over. Oh! Those are the pancakes Tomio? They look delicious!” She take her plate of pancakes which I left on the table in advance for her. My mom looked shocked at the fact I brought some girl who was that beautiful. Maybe she assumed my senpai from work was gong to be all bossy and strict. Not that the boss or his son are necessarily like that either, though Giovanni is still kind of a prick. “Well you take care of my son. I’m heading out already. Tomio, don’t slack off alright.” “Don’t worry about it mom. See you later tonight.” She heads out and drives off in our family car. So now it’s just Chovy and myself all alone at the house. I feel embarrassed about myself but Chovy seems to be really enjoying my hospitality here.

”Tommy. These pancakes were very good. I’m impressed. Not bad for someone like yourself.” Chovy tells me as she finishes her plate. “I never thought I had the talent either.” I replied. I finished my plate and took her plate alongside my own to get them washed at the sink. “So do we have any idea where we’ll be going today Chovy?” She smiles at me and rests her head on her hands. “As of matter of fact I do. There’s a bookstore I want to take you to. It’s quite the comfy place to hang out and relax. Does that sound alright Tommy? We can then go somewhere else afterwards. You can pick the next place.” A bookstore huh. “A bookstore sounds alright. You like reading huh Chovy.” She nods. “More than just reading, I want to write my own novel someday. I like to read books for inspiration.” “So what kind of books do you like to read Chovy?” “Um….welll…” it looks like she’s pondering about that question a bit. “I like all kinds of books.” “But is there a certain genre of books you like reading?” “Well...um...I like romance novels.” She takes out her drawstring bag and pulls out a couple of books to show me. There’s a bunch of various romance novels sure enough but their covers are kind of sexual to put it lightly. Like there’s this one novel with a guys tie lying on the floor and then there’s another one where it’s a couple sleeping together. It’s like the kind the stuff you’d expect women who never date would like reading. It’s kind of shocking she’d be into this kind of stuff. “Romance novels huh…” I look through some of the books. “You seem really open showing me these books.” “Well that’s because I trust you Tommy. I would die socially if anyone else found out I read these. I like them for the plot and build up.” “But aren’t these novels...ermmm...kind of lewd. What happened to keeping a positive image Chovy?” I asked teasingly. She quickly shakes her head. “No. Not at all, these books aren’t lewd at all! I-I like them for the plot and the relationship building….yeah.” “Uh huh…” I said with a rather unconvinced tone as I scrolled through some of the pages in one of these books. “Then perhaps we should try doing some of the stuff these couples do in these novels.” I joked seriously. “Noooooo! Tommy!” She’s now blushing in embarrassment. “You’re so mean Tommy.” I pat her on the head. “I’m just kidding. It’s nowhere near as lewd as some of the visual novels I played anyways.” I figured I may as well be open about my own secrets seeing as she’s telling me she likes these romance novels. “So those visual novels are kind of like these novels but for Otakus?” she asked me. “Absolutely. Although I don’t even see a point in playing any of them now that I have you. Real romance is totally different from fictional media.” I can’t take it anymore. She’s drawing me in like no one has ever done in my life. “Chovy. You’re really amazing you know that? I wonder if I even deserve someone like you.” She smiles and places her hand on my face. Her hands are so warm and soft. “I enjoy being with you Tommy. Of course you deserve someone like me. Why would I confess to you first after all?” “True. You really think so. I’m glad you think that way. So shall we head out already?” We both get up from the dinning table. “Yeah. Let’s get going Tommy. The store should open pretty soon. I’d like us to get there early.” She brought her moped again so it looks like I’ll be hanging onto her again for today. Not that I’m totally against it. I want to hold on to her all day if I could.

So far this date is off to a good start. But there's an urge that's been bothering me since yesterday. I kept staring at her lips since she got here this morning. Though I don't have the confidence to make an advancement towards her. I'd never kissed anyone in my life but the thought of kissing her since yesterday has been in my mind. I don't want her to make the move first this time. It's just a matter of finding the right moment. It also doesn't help that I don't even know where we can go to next after the bookstore. She said I can pick the next date spot but I don't even have a clue where we can go to next. It's not like I know the hottest locations for couples to go on dates. If only I were more confident in myself. I'd better figure out something pretty soon.

I am surprised to see that Chovy didn’t bring her moped this time around. It was her cousin’s FIAT this time. “I wasn’t comfortable riding my moped with this dress. So I asked Gio if I could use his car. He was nice enough to lend it to me for today.” She mentioned this as she unlocked the car for the both of us. “I figured he’d kill us if he did anything to his car.” I added. “Don’t be silly Tommy. He may be a little mean sometimes but he cares a lot about me and you if you can believe that. He knows we’re dating already since I told him. So he’s cool with letting us use the car….provided you don’t drive it.” “Figured. Well as long as we aren’t exposed to the heat.”

I go ahead and sit shotgun with Chovy in the driver seat in right of me. “You can drive a car Chovy?” I ask her. “Of course. Driving tanks, driving cars... what’s the difference? No worries, I got my license Tommy.” As she stars the car, she then confronts me with an uncomfortable truth. “Why don’t you have a drivers license Tommy? You can’t be that much of a loser.” “Chovy. I barely started working this year for the first time of my life. It’s not like I had a reason to drive when I could just take my bike to the convenient store.” I figured I could give her more background about my family in general. “My mom’s always working around and my Dad passed away long before I was even conscious enough to recognize him. Nobody could really teach me to drive even if I had all the time in the world.” “Tomio...I’m so sorry about your father.” Her tone shifted from light scouring to something more sympathetic. “It’s just something that happens. I had no control over my situation.” I inform her. “Sometimes life just gives you a bad set of cards to deal with.” I shrug to try to give the impression that I am not bothered by my misfortune but deep down, it does suck to have to rely on just your mother all throughout your entire life. It’s not something I willingly like to think about. “Don’t worry Tommy. Maybe I can show you how to drive whenever we have time off work.” I was delighted to hear her say that. “You really would be down for that?” I ask her. “Yeah. Besides, your my boyfriend now and I want you to be the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. From one loser to another!” “Oh….Thank you Chovy.” If she goes through with that promise, I’ll have to repay her back big time for her help. She’s really is amazing.

As we drive our way downtown, Chovy had the idea of putting something on the media player and singing along the way. More specifically as she put it: “So you really were a choir boy in your middle school years Tommy? Maybe you can help me improve my karaoke abilities while we are on the road. “Um…you really want to do something like that?” I respond to her. “Singing isn’t like learning an instrument...well sort of. You just have to have confidence and not be tone death. Just try to match the singer you are listening to and memorize the lyrics. For some people, it’s a natural skill that’s easy to pick up. For others, they just need more practice.” “So there’s a chance I could make myself sing amazing?” Chovy asks. “Well, you do have a lot of potential judging from our last karaoke night but you do lack confidence.” I had to be honest with her. “To be fair, you didn’t sound too bad when you were able to sing. You’re not tone death like Darjeeling. You just need to set your anxieties aside and go for it.”

Chovy hands over her phone to me to go look for a song to play in the car. Her screensaver wallpaper features her alongside her vice commanders from Anzio: Carpaccio and Pepperoni. “That was from our victory match against Maginot Girls' College. Despite having better tanks than our school, we managed to take out their flag tank with our Semovente self propelled guns. We were all bruised up from that match as you can see.” So she doesn’t play around when it comes to Sensha-do. Interesting. “So what song should I pick for you to try?” I asked as I scroll down through her playlist of songs. “I like that one Tommy!” Chovy said as she pointed to one particular song in the list. I stream the song through the car’s Bluetooth connectivity and we can now hear the song over the speakers. Hmm. This car has a nice sound system for an Italian piece of shit. At least that’s what I thought. I wont’ say that out loud though. Don’t want Chovy to hear that though since I think she really likes this FIAT. “I’m not familiar with this song but I guess you can try singing along Chovy. I won’t judge you.”

She clears her throat and nervously starts to sing the lyrics as the song plays along. “Yeah. There we go! You just have to do it and don’t worry about it.” Her voice honestly isn’t well suited for singing but as I mentioned earlier, it’s not the worst thing I’d ever heard but I wouldn’t hire her if I had to look for a singer. Doesn’t matter though because she’s so pure and cute! I don’t give a shit if she’s mediocre at singing. She’s my Chovy! Once I got the idea of what the lyrics are, I join in and sing with her. This ride feels like a music video playing in motion. From the mountains and countryside scenery passing by through the windshield as we approach the downtown area just as we had two days ago. This whole experience just feels like something out of a fantasy. Except it’s happening right now, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.

”That was pretty fun Tomio. We should do that again on the way back home.” I couldn’t help but smile back at her. I enjoy it whenever she’s having fun ”I’d be down with that again Chovy. Looks like we are getting close to the bookstore.” The place looks smaller than I imagine but it has that cafe look from the outside. It’s almost has the appearance of a shack but it’s a bit more elegant than that. There’s a nice patio on the second floor with tables and benches which might be a nice spot to hang out. “I like to stop by here every once in a while whenever I’m not busy with work or Sensha-do practice.” Chovy explained. “It’s not like the other girls from Anzio or the other schools would ever bother to come here anyways. I like to get a little peace of mind from time to time. A place where I can just be Chiyomi for a while, besides work of course.” She glances at me and pinches my check. “Although this time, I get to be Chiyomi not just for myself but for you as well!” That did kind of hurt a little but being teased like that made me feel hot in a good way if I had to be honest.

We spent a couple of minutes picking up some books that Chovy had wanted for her personal collection. Mainly romance novels, cooking magazines, and some Italian-Japanese dictionary so she can teach me some Italian words or something. Just something she wanted me to help me learn. It’s an Anzio thing I guess. Still, a date gift is very appreciated. Figured having some books in my room will make me appear more cultured and smarter than I actually am. This bookstore is rather cozy if I say so myself but it’s quiet enough to just relax and forget about all of your own problems. It’s no wonder Chovy likes to come here often. We made our way to the second floor balcony so we can sit and chat with each other for a big while we go through our purchases.

”You must really love romance novels” I mention to Chovy. “Yep. There’s a reason why I’m such a pro with this whole date thing. Hah!” she said as she did some kind of ballet pose. “Very funny Chovy.” I remarked bluntly. “By that logic, I’m a the dictionary definition of a boyfriend expert because I play visual novels.” I began to turn some pages in my Italian-Japanese dictionary. There’s a reason why you bought me this right?” I asked Chovy. “Of course Tommy. I want you to learn Italian so we can say romantic stuff to each other and impress all of the other couples that watch us.” She’s not kidding is she? “Why would anyone be watching us? That sounds creepy.” “Hmmm yeah I guess your right.” Chovy muttered with disappointment. “But there is some proposition I’d like to make for you!” Her eyes are now gleaming with excitement as she toys with her hair.

”And what might that be?” I ask her with suspicion with my tone. “Well…” Chovy clears her throat. “Since you’re my boyfriend now and couples have to stick together and root for each other in their endeavors. I want to help you achieve a purpose in your life and in exchange…” Here it comes. “ I want you to observe Anzio’s Sensha-do practice match next Saturday!” She pulls me closer to her until we are leaning on each other’s heads. “It’s not often I get to show off my tankery skills to another friend, let alone a guy like yourself.” “I’m sure that sounds like it would be fun” I added. “But won’t the other girls notice that you and I are in a relationship?” Chovy nods in agreement. “That’s true but I thought of a perfect plan to let you watch the match without drawing any suspicion. You’re going to pretend to an observer from the Italian Military!” “WHAAAAAAT!” I spurted out in disbelief. “You know damn well I cannot pass for an Italian even if you slapped a fake mustache on my face! And isn’t that getting involved with stolen valor or whatever it’s called.” This whole thing is getting ridiculous. “Couldn’t you just be honest with your team and just tell them how it is.” She sighs. “That’s easier said than done Tommy. Like I said before, I’m not confident. No. I am afraid. I worry that the girls at Anzio won’t accept the fact that their Duce is getting involved with romantic endeavors and dorky activities like reading. They don’t even see wear my glasses.” She takes a hold of my hand and squeezes them softly. I guess I can’t be too harsh on her if she’s having that much anxiety with being herself. “Which is why I want you to do this for me. I can set you up with a mock uniform by getting something from the surplus store later this week. You can wear shades to hide your eyes. It’ll work out I know it. Plus, it’ll make Anzio seem like we are getting professional training like the other rival schools.” So it’s more of an image thing more than anything huh. “Well, I don’t think it’s a good idea but since I’m crazy for you, I don’t see why I can’t go along with this plan. Besides, It might be cool to see you in a tank for once.” I mentioned. “We got a deal.”

Out of nowhere, She moves up upon my legs, wraps her arms around me and gazes at me directly into my eyes. Her checks are blushing red though it’s not from the heat outside. “Thank you Tomio.” “Chovy…” I muttered. “What are you..” She advances her lips in front of me. All the way until her lips meet with my own. It didn’t last long but I remember every detail of it, from the wetness of her lips, to the soft texture and sound of her mouth being pressed against me. Once again, I failed to make the first move but it was nothing to be bummed about. I finally had my first kiss with none other than Chiyomi Anzai. My Chovy. I couldn’t really say anything as I was blushing like her now. “Chiyomi…” I quietly called her name. “I can’t say enough how much I really love you.” She gave me another peck but this time on the check. “I love you too Tomio.” We sat there in the patio embarrassing each other as we looked out into the downtown area. Even with all the cars and pedestrians moving around, it felt like we were in our own little world where nothing else really mattered. Of course, our date isn’t going to end just yet. I had an idea.

”Let’s head back to my house and hang out for a bit. I think you’ll get a kick out watching some comedies with me” I said to Chovy. “We can certainly do that Tommy.” she replied back. “Are they as funny as you claim they are?” I implied: “You won't know until you see them.” “Sounds like my kind of movie. Cheesy!” She remarked. “Let’s go Tomio!” And so we descended down the stairs and got back into our vehicle. “Oh crap, we going to miss dinner Tomio.” I checked my phone’s time and sure enough it was already goint to be sunset real soon. “If you don’t mind, maybe I can cook something at your home kitchen so we can have dinner and entertainment.” “I don’t mind at all Chovy. I’ll help you out too even though I’m not much of a cook myself.” “How romantic Tommy. The two of us cooking meals together. Doesn’t that just sound lovely? No! It’s incredibly romantic!” She presses the ignition switch on the car but there’s a problem.

The car vibrates and stutters but doesn’t turn on. Jesus Christ it had to be a FIAT! “The car won't ignite!” shouted Chovy in a panic. “We’re stuck!"

End of Chapter 5
