A Summer With Chovy: Chapter 6: Car Problems

”Giovanni is going to kill us this time!” I shrieked. “Or better yet, why didn’t that cunt look after his car like he should before handing it over to us!” “Tommy, calm down. I’m sure it’s nothing too serious” Chovy insured. “It’s not a major problem. No. It’s more than likely a minor problem.” Yeah I hope so. “So what’s the solution then?” I asked. She sat their staring blanking at the steering wheel. I guess she’s not an expert on automobile stuff. “I guess I’ll call Giovanni and see what he has to say.” “But he might get really pissed off at us or worse, I’ll get blamed or fired!” I told her. “It’s not your fault” Chovy was doing what she can to calm me down. “After all, I was the only one driving the car. I’ll take the heat.” She’s not wrong. She is totally in the blame for all this but I can’t imagine her actually getting in trouble. No. I don’t want to she her punished. It’s not like she was doing anything that would warrant the car to mess up. I don’t know.

There’s no point in trying to figure out what’s the problem on our own. We had no choice but to let Giovanni know. Chovy would be the one to call him and hopefully he won’t be too pissed about the whole ordeal. At least that’s what I’m hoping. She picks up her cell phone and looks through her contacts until she finds his number and calls. There’s that moment of dread as we wait for him to pick up the call. No answer. “Bastard. He’d probably left his ringer off or something.” I said with disdain in my tone. “So I guess we are all on our own huh.” Chovy doesn’t look to confident about getting this car up and running again. Neither and I. “Well, I guess we have to trouble shoot from the beginning.” Chovy remarked. “So the car won’t turn on if I have the keys inserted and the ignition button pressed...is the battery dead? Can’t be if the dashboard is still lit.” She groans in frustration. “Jeez when did cars become more complicated than tanks!” I can sympathize with her. There has to be something I can do. Though I can’t do anything myself, perhaps I can find someone who might know a thing or two. Surely I have to find someone. “I’ll tell you what Chovy. I’m going to try something I would never do in a situation like this. I’m going to try to find someone to help us around here. It’s better than us dorks trying to figure out.” “I’m not a dork.” muttered Chovy. “Okay maybe a little...but yeah I think you should go try to find someone. Don’t worry, I’ll look after the car and wait here. I got my books anyways.” We exchange a quick kiss as I exit the vehicle and start roaming around the downtown area looking for a place to start. God these sidewalks are so packed today, it’s a Sunday for crying out loud.

I was immediately knocked onto my ass after bumping into someone on the sidewalk. These wreck less pedestrians can’t even look where they are going. Or maybe I’m in the wrong. “agghh my head….my ass..” I grumbled. Looking up from where I was on the floor stood a girl wearing an Anzio High uniform, long light-brown hair tied in some sort of half-assed ponytail. She didn’t look too pleased running into me. “Watch where you are going you dweeb!” she snapped at me with a sense of disgust. “God you creeps don’t have any self awareness to even dodge someone right in front of you.” She’s getting on nerves but I don’t have time for this. “Look, I’m sorry if I ran into you but I’m in a bit of a dire situation right now so spare the insults for another time alright!” “Pffft and what kind of situation would an Otaku dork like yourself get yourself in a first place?” she asked mockingly. I tried being civil but now my anger got the better of me and I started shouting. “Look! I don’t have time for this fucking argument! My girlfriend’s car is not starting up and I’m trying to find someone who might know a thing or two about troubleshooting them! So just fuck off!” She smirks while trying to hold back her laugh. “You!?! A girlfriend!?! I don’t believe you. What kind of car does she drive huh?” Are we really going to do this? “She drives a FIAT 500. What does that matter to you anyways?” I remarked while trying to keep my cool and failing miserably. “Because I actually know all about Fiat 500s you dirtbag. My mom owns one herself.” She mentions as she flicks her hair. “If you are even being remotely honest with me, I might even have a look assuming you aren’t making all this up?” “Oh yeah…” I replied. “Then we got ourselves a deal. Her car is over at the bookstore.” I turn around and head back towards the bookstore parking lot. This girl also follows behind. “If you say so….dork.” She’s going to eat her words.

I made it back to the car where Chovy is sitting in the drivers seat reading one of her books. I knock on the door to let her know I’m back. She looks at me and smiles at first before suddenly changing her expression into a worried one. “She said she knows a thing or two about Fiats. Shall we let her have a look Cho….” Before I can say her name she covers my mouth to prevent me from doing so. Oh yeah I almost forgot. She’s trying to keep a low profile from her peers from school. The girl with brown hair looks completely defeated and disappointed in how wrong she’s actually been this whole time. Chovy and I wait outside the car while this girl goes in and inspects the car. By some miracle or by dumb circumstantial luck. The car turns on and I can finally breath a sigh of relief. Chovy still looks like she’s on the edge and appears very nervous. “Is there something wrong?” I whisper to Chovy. “The car’s working again.” “I’ll tell you later…” she quietly told me in my ear. The girl with brown hair got out of the car and shrugged. “I didn’t see any problems with the car. It seems to be working fine. So what was the problem again?” the brown haired girl questioned me. “It had trouble starting up. We had the key inside and pressed the ignition button pressed and nothing would happen.” “Well that’s because you were supposed to press on the break while you press the ignition switch. God you two aren’t that bright to begin with huh?” she said with a disgruntled look on her face. “Still, you didn’t lie to me about your girlfriend. She looks too good for your kind. I almost feel sorry for her.” She shrugs her shoulders and sighs. “Still…I guess I owe you an apology. I’d say we should start all over. I’m Amaretto. I go to Anzio Girl’s High School.” She then takes a look at Chovy with a weird smirk in her face. “You look familiar, I’d swear I’d might have you at Anzio too. What’s your name?” Chovy struggled to get her words out. “My name?….Um….I’m An…..An….An….” “Anne huh? That’s a really cute name Anne. You should check out the Sensha-do club when you get a chance. We’re always looking for new recruits.” She turns around and directs her attention at me. “Well you got yourself a real sweetheart….Mr…” “It’s Tomio.” I bluntly respond to her. “Tomio huh. Well I don’t know what she’s sees in you but I guess I can’t complain myself since I don’t even have a boyfriend either.” Who the hell would want to be your girlfriend anyways? Though she does have some spunk to her I’ll give her that. “Anyways, I’m glad I could help a couple in need. Even if you two aren’t the brightest around. Ciao!” She waved as she disappeared into the crowds of people on the sidewalk.

Chovy gave a big sigh of relief before laughing nervously. “That was real close Tomio.” She told me. “Yeah, I’m sorry if I didn’t get anyone better though we are idiots for not figuring out our problem.” I replied back. “Still, that girl was a real prick. Maybe Giovanni should hook up with her.” Chovy chuckled at what I said. “Amaretto can be a little aggressive but that’s how she needs to be when she’s doing Sensha-do. Don’t take her insults seriously though. I’m just glad she didn’t recognize me as Duce or Anchovy.” Yeah. Thank goodness indeed though she really doesn’t have to put herself through this if she could at least be honest with herself. “So how did you turn on this car this first time anyways?” I asked Chovy. “Giovanni turned it on for me. I actually have to confess to you that I don’t really have a lot of time behind this car. Even though I do know how to drive.” Damnit Gio. You could have at least had the audacity to show her how to turn on the car so we wouldn’t act like idiots in public. Maybe that’s just his twisted sense of humor at work. Cynical bastard.

Chovy’s phone started to ring. Her ringtone is kind of catchy. I’m not going to lie. She answers and sure enough it’s Gio on the line. “Sorry I was taking a piss and didn’t have my phone with me. What’s up Miss Anzai?” “Uh….it’s nothing Giovanni.” Chovy implied. “I might had dialed you by accident.” “Good grief…” He muttered. “Just bring back my car when you love birds are done or whatever.” He hangs up. I sigh. “I guess we should head back home now. I’m starving.” “Yeah. Me too Tommy.” Chovy reverses the car from the parking lot and we now drive down the road which leads to my house. It’s getting pretty dark outside. We don’t have a lot of time left to spend our last few hours for our date night. After all, we still have work to go to tomorrow morning. But I got to make sure we make this night really special before it’s over.

End of Chapter 6
