A Summer With Chovy: Chapter 7: A Night With Chovy

This day has been really eventful. It seemed like I was able to spend some time with Chovy ever since we first met at the pizzeria. She's quite the character. But somehow I feel like I haven't unlocked Chovy's true self. Stranger still, she doesn't see me as completely useless as she's always using me for her plans one way or another. Soon I'll be observing her Sensha-do practice by the end of this week. But why? What good does it do me? Why? The time I've spent with Chovy over the past few days felt like I was on autopilot. For the most part, she's been leading me this entire time. From asking me out, helping me out with my job, taking me to all these places, meeting all these people I would never interact with if I were on my own, and offering my first kiss. I feel like none of this was deserved. Basically, I just want to know how Chovy really feels about me. Sure she says she loves me but is there more to it than just that?

What's even more concerning is the fact that she's a semester away from graduating. That means she's going off to college and there's a good possibility I may never see her again. If that's the case, all of this, everything we done together and all of the feelings we share with one another until that day was entirely for nothing. I don't want to think about it. I'm afraid to ask her. I've always been afraid to ask. It's not just with her either. It's with everyone and everything I encounter. It's no wonder my life seems so aimless. At least my friend Nano embraces that anarchy in having no goals. In my case, it's like purgatory.

"Are you feeling alright Tommy? You've been awfully quiet since we left the bookstore." Yeah. I have been quiet. Well more accurately, I've been staring out the passenger window of this car. Pondering. "I'm fine Chovy." I answer back. "Just enjoying the scenery that's all. I like to sink into some peace and quiet sometimes." I feel bad that I'm making her drive me around. I should be the one taking her to all sorts of places. Though real talk, it's certainly not going to be in a car like this.

"I'm like that too" she adds. "Being the Sensha-do commander is tiresome sometimes. No. It's exhausting. Especially when you feel like you are doing all you can and things just don't go your own way." She pauses for a bit before continuing. "Personally, I never saw myself involved Sensha-do to the point where I would be a commander of the entire school team. Like I told you, I want to write my own novels. The only reason I even started doing Sensha-do since middle school is because my Mom was involved with the JSDF and had ties to the Sensha-do Federation in Japan." Is that so. I'd didn't think she was pulled into Sensha-do by pure circumstances. "Even though Sensha-do isn't the thing that keeps me going forward, I don't particularly hate doing it. No. I enjoy it. I get to spend time with all the other girls at Anzio, have all of these wonderful festivals at events, cook for our team and our competitors, like it's more than just driving tanks around. I could never do any of those things nor would I have anyone to have friendships without Sensha-do. I was honestly never good at interacting with others."

"So you are a dork after all?" I jokingly ask her. "Oh cut it out Tommy! she snaps back. "I'm trying to be sincere here.....but yes you are correct." I try to brighten her up. "Well to hell with what others think about us, we'll be our own team. You and me. The Dork Team!" I reply back to her. "Heheh. I can get behind that Tommy." That's more like it. "Yeah. Screw those normalfags am I right?" "What's a normalfag Tommy?" "Oh it's nothing." Hah. I don't want her to drop to my level of dorkiness. "Do you know this saying Tommy?" Chovy is now impersonating the way Darjeeling speaks. It's almost spot on. "God dances with the outcast." "So where's that from?" I ask. "Oh shoot...I don't remember. What am I saying?" Chovy stumbles with her impersonation. We both have a good laugh from our idiocy. Looks like were finally approaching my house at least.

My mother’s car isn’t outside the house. Seems like she hasn’t come home yet. Can’t really complain at all. That leaves the entire house to Chovy and myself. “Bet you’re starving Tommy.” remarked Chovy. “We’ll make something lite for now so we don’t end up feeling too full.” She has a good point. I was never found of a late dinner. “Yeah, that sounds fair Chovy. I’ll go find a movie for us to watch so we can have dinner and entertainment.” “Don’t worry to much about whatever you pick Tommy. Just being around you is entertaining enough for me.” I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing what she just said. I take it she means she likes to be around me. Sometimes I wish I could read minds and understand what people really think about you. Wouldn’t that be considering cheating in life?

Chovy and I were able to make some sandwiches with ham slices. It’s not what I would call a romantic meal by any stretch but it was too late for anything exquisite. I ended up picking out one of my favorite comedies from my tape collection and we were both laughing our assess out while trying to watch and eat our sandwiches. I might have even choked a bit but Chovy was able to knock some air out of me to let me breathe again. She has some punch behind that hand I won’t lie. I bet her massages would be pretty strong too. Curse me for being too shy to ask because I am feeling rather tired from our date today. She’s leaning her head against my shoulder as we watch this film together in my bedroom. Ideally, we would use the living room but watching the film on my desktop from my bed is fair enough. Both of us are sitting on the bed leaning back against the wall with pillows for support. At some point, we even wrapped a blanket around our legs as we cuddled. Out of nowhere, Chovy suggests the most absurd thing: “You know what? Maybe I could spend the night in your room tonight.” “M-m-my room?” I stuttered. “But what if my mo…” “What about her?” Chovy interrupted as she squeezed me tightly with her arm around me. Besides, we can go to work together in the morning. I had my work clothes in the car anyways.” “You planned for all this didn’t you?” I asked with suspension. “Well…” she smugly grinned back at me. “kind of.” To think Gio would even be alright with all this considering we are keeping his car for tonight. “I don’t know how I’m going to explain all this to my mom but I guess it’s alright if you stay the night over I guess. It’s not like…” “YAY! Sleep over with Tommy!” she shouted with glee as she hugged me so tightly I couldn’t get any words out of my mouth. “I have my bag of clothes in my car. Be right back. Don’t go anywhere or I’ll make you do double shift at work alright!” She gets up and heads outside to her car leaving me in my room until she came back with what I thought was overkill. “A suitcase?! You can’t be serious Chovy.” “You have to be ready for anything Taw-me.” She said mockingly at me. “I got my Anzio School Uniform, my uniform for work, some dresses and clothes for going out with you, my bikini for the beach, my nightgown, and even some outfits for special occasions.” “Special occasions? Waddya mean by special occasions?!!” I was completely baffled. “Well...if there’s an outfit you’d like to see me in…” She smugly said. Her eyes are giving me some flirty vibes and it’s making me nervous. Just when I thought I was going to be the one to tease her in this relationship. “Errrr….well…..just wear whatever makes you happy Chovy.” I could had said something even more perverted but I have to maintain my composure. She starts grinning and winks at me. “Oh yeah? I know something that’ll make us both happy. Give me one second.” She starts untying her dress from behind. “W-wait! I’m in this room. Don’t you think you need any privacy to do that?” “Ah jeez Tommy, if you that much of a pathetic dweeb then maybe you should turn around and not watch me change. Sorry you can’t handle watching a girl change without you hyperventilating.” “No...it’s not that...I just trying to be respectful...that’s all...excuse me.” I turn around and fight my urges not to turn around. I can hear her chuckling behind me. “Well, at least I can surprise you when I’m done changing. Uh...cover your eyes for second Tommy.” I do as she says. I can hear her grabbing some stuff from her suitcase and dropping bits of clothes here and there. Years of perverted visual novels and somehow I am able to control my urges to peak at her when she’s in her most vulnerable state. If she’s going to be my first girlfriend (and hopefully my future wife) I’d have to at least give her the same respect she’d given me over the past couple of days. God I’m really pathetic.

”Master Tommy….will you please turn around now…” she said in this artificial polite tone. What does she have in store me this time. I turn around and my blushing is out of control. She’s wearing some kind of maid outfit. It’s not lewd by any means but she’s so cute. Especially since she even went as far as to tie her hair into a twin ponytail. I’m too embarrassed to say anything. “Master Tommy...are you feeling ill? Here, let me lay you on your bed. If you may…” She gentle lets me lie down on the bed and covers with my blanket...”Chovy…” “Shhh...relax Master Tommy. I’ll make sure you’re comfortable. She leans her lips on my forehead and gives me a gentle peck. She then sits down right next to me on the bed. “If there’s anything else you need assistance with Master Tommy….please let me know. I’ll do it for you. You’re wish…” she places her hand on my leg “Is my command.” I can’t even form sentences because she’s honestly putting a spell on me. “Chovy….massage….please?” She giggles and lets go of my leg. “Of course. Where exactly?” “My back….hurts.” “Turn around please Master Tommy.” I twist myself on my belly and she places her hands on my back and starts rubbing my back with her hands. Well, I guess I was right about her hand strength. I wonder if Sensha-do had anything to do with that. In any case, it feels real nice. My sense of nervousness went away and I am feeling something I haven’t felt in a long time. All of my worries, concerns, and troubles seem to go away and I am in this state of peace. “There we go….” Chovy whispered to me as she continued to massage my back. “Master Tommy had finally relaxed.” She might had broken character as she too started to fall asleep as she was massaging my back. “Tomio…” was the last thing she said as she fell on top of me and starting sleeping right next to me. I took a hold of her arms that were once on my back and now completely enclosed in my palms. I lift them up to my lips and give them a kiss. “Good night Chiyomi.” I muttered. We were both fast asleep and the rest of the night went by without much going on after.

It felt like it was an instant the moment I was able to open my eyes again. The sun’s rays beaming through my bedroom window. Chovy is still sleeping next to me and still wearing her maid outfit. She would had been alot more comfortable if she changed to some sleeping clothes but that's on her. She did wanted to larp like a maid. Not that I didn't enjoy that last night. She’s got her arm over me so I can’t really get up without waking her up. I check the time on my desk clock and it’s six in the morning. Oh yeah, we both have to get to work today. But we still have a little bit of time to get ready. So I’m not too worried. That is until I hear some knocking on my door. “Tomio. I’d just got back late last night. Is your superior from work still with you?” I could hear the door knob began to move. Wait! Chovy is sleeping next to me on bed! We’re going to be in serious trouble if she gets the wrong idea! I can’t get myself loose from Chovy. She’s got me in locked in place. The door slowly begins to open….oh fuck.
