A Summer With Chovy: Chapter 8:The Morning Before Work

The door slowly opened and without much thinking I knock Chovy off me and she fell off the bed, resulting in her waking up form her deep slumber. My mother is now fully aware that Chovy in my room and I still haven’t got up from my bed. Chovy, still in her maid outfit from last night didn’t take long to consider what was going on and she didn’t say anything when she saw my mother.

”Tomio, You need to wake up or you’re going to be late for….” she paused as she saw Chovy on the floor and I still getting up from the bed. “Mom….I know what you’re thinking but this isn’t what you think….you see…” Chovy interrupts me as she figures out an excuse as to why she slept over. “We got stuck in traffic on the way back so I didn’t have time to drive home. Apparently Tomio was being a little snob considering he never worked in his life and challenged me to a bet which I lost so I was forced to wear this maid outfit and sleep on the floor. Serves me right I guess...I shouldn’t had underestimated him.” My mom clears her throat. “Shame on you Tomio. You should have more respect towards your superiors at work. Anyways I’m off to work. You two better get ready or you’re going to both be late.” It’s not what I would had used as an excuse but if she was fooled by it, eh...sure whatever. The moment she left my room I said “That was close. Good excuse you had there. Even if it threw me under the bus.” “Well you did knock me over the bed. That kind of hurt Tomio.” “Yeah I guess you’re right...sorry about that.” I replied. “I just don’t my mom to get the wrong idea.” “Wrong Idea!?” Chovy snapped. “What kind of wrong idea?!” “Oh...nothing Chovy.” “You’re such a perv Tomio...but it’s kind of cute you know.” I gulped a bit in my throat. “I mean….it was comforting to sleep next to you…” I added. “I thought so too Tommy.” she replied back hiding her face from me. She was clearly blushing though.

”Yeah well perverted thoughts aside we better get ready for work. Uh….I guess you can use the shower first Chovy. I’ll make us some breakfast or something.” Chovy nodded. “Sounds good Tomio. I won’t take long anyways and brought my work uniform anyways….hey wait a second...I forgot my glasses!” She starts going through her bag pulling out a whole bunch of clothes. “Ah that’s a shame.” I mentioned. “You won’t look as cute without them.” “Tommy. I look like a dork with glasses. Do you think I look better with glasses?” It really doesn’t matter to me. “I think you look fine with or without them. You’re always good looking.” “Y-You think so…” She muttered. “In that case, I suppose I can wear my contacts to work.” We can’t waste any additional time. “Well you do that while I get some breakfast ready. Then I’ll shower after you.” I kiss her on the forehead before heading out to the kitchen. Can’t believe a girl is actually going to use my shower. It’s a strange thought.

My cooking skills are never going to be on par with Chovy but I guess something simple like bacon, toast, and eggs should suffice for now. Honestly, she should really give me some tips on making meals. That’s not to say I was ever interested in cooking in general but working at the pizzeria so far had made me appreciate the skill and dedication involved just to make something you’re going to digest once and...yeah I’m not going into that last bit in detail. I’m not going to ruin my appetite. Although breakfast isn’t the only thing that I’m craving.

Chovy was finally done using the shower. She was mostly dressed but her hair was wet and straight. She was still combing it as she made her way to the kitchen. “I made breakfast Chovy. Hope it’s not too bland. Please come join me.” We both sit across from each other from the table as we enjoy our meal. “Mmmm. This isn’t too bad Tommy.” She remarked as she was still chewing. “You shouldn’t talk while chewing” I instructed her. “Tommy, don’t talk to me like I’m a child. I am older than you kn….achhh .” She gags and chokes on some toast she was chewing. “Chovy!” She eventually coughs it out.“I’m okay….yeah you’re right….sorry. I’ll stop.” I burst out laughing. “That wasn’t funny Tommy!You know I could of died!” “Well I did tried to warn you earlier Chovy. I wouldn’t want you to die from choking on toast. The girls at Anzio would kill me if they knew you died from my meals.” “Mmmmm true true.” She added. “You’re not really street smart aren’t’ you?” I asked. She paused for a moment before finally coming to terms with what I was suspecting. “I guess you can say that.” she said with a tone of defeatism. “Well that’s something my mom tells me sometimes as well.” I replied. I think we both are too stubborn for our world aren’t we?” She nods as she takes her final bite from her meal. “That was a nice meal Tomio….thank you, I owe you one.” “You don’t owe me anything Chovy.” I said to her as I got up and patted her head. “Just your love.” I had to hurry up and get myself ready too.

Once I was done with the shower. I dressed up in my work uniform and went back to my room to pick up a couple of things such as my wallet and house keys before I’d head out. Chovy had finished with her hair and had it tied back in a ponytail. She looks almost exactly as I first saw her when I started working at the pizzeria except she doesn’t have her glasses this time. I still think anyone who saw her wouldn’t mistaken her for Anchovy at first glance. Her expression is quite beautiful. “So are we ready to go?” She asked. “I think I’m ready...we should probably pick up Gio first though. We’re going to be on the road for a while aren’t we?” I asked. “Not really. Gio doesn’t live to far from here.” Chovy stated. “Though we better hurry or we’re going to get on his bad side. It’s bad enough we didn’t return the car last night...though that was entirely my fault.” “Well…” I added. “If you’re going down with the ship, let me join you too.” I took a grasp of her hand. “Shall we get going?” We both exit my house, I make sure to lock it beforehand, and enter the car which has been still parked outside since last night. It does make me think that my mom probably figured out that Chovy was indeed staying over before she came into my room. I don’t want to think about it right now. I just want to be with Chovy. Even getting scolded by Gio with Chovy sounds fun.

I’m looking forward to his outrage.
