Chapter 34: Another Opportunity

“You made me fight alongside your batch of recruits for a reason didn’t you?” Chiara directly confronts Asura in her office space. Chiara doesn’t come off as shy as when she first walked into this room. Her standard issue uniform is still wet from the battle she just participated in. Her hair is heavy and straight and drips water onto Asura’s carpeted floor to which Asura pays no attention to. Instead, she sits at her desk, with her legs crossed while doing something on her tablet. She looks over to Chiara with a knowing smile on her lips.

“Obviously. It’s not the first time you lead a squad” She speaks with a tone of satisfaction in being right. “The only difference is that you lead a squad of well disciplined and obedient recruits that would not interfere with my...well...actually your personal interests.”

“My personal interests?” Chiara speaks with a baffled tone, getting a chuckle out of Asura. She lowers her tablet on her lap and looks directly at Chiara’s eyes.

“You want to do something more with your life, Chiara.” She taps her finger on her desk as she speaks. “Something more than just a music teacher after college. Perhaps you are seeking something that could give you something that can give you a bit of confidence, a bit of power, and some respect. That’s why I invited you to Vampire Squad, Chiara. Because I know you and I both want the same thing, which is why I’m open to sharing it with my squad mate…and as my dear friend.”

“What do you expect out of called friendship anyways?”

“A chance for something new for the both of us. But in your case, another opportunity.” She brings up her tablet on the table, kicking up the little stand on the back of the case to set it as a little monitor. She navigates the touch screen to her notes before turning it over to face Chiara. You remember our little discussion about our allies at JarPig squad? About how I’ve been planning on getting rid of Kael Valorheart...and integrating his squad into my team of Vampires?”

“You want me to replace Kael? And how do you suppose that’s going to happen?”

A playful smirk forms on Asura’s face. “You’re going to challenge him to a duel, Chiara. The rules are simple. You beat him and I take full control of his squad, to which I’ll then hand over the reins to you.”

“Aren’t they an entirely different squad with their own set of tactics?” Chiara crosses her arms. “Wouldn’t it be better to just drop his squad entirely and use our own vampires?

“You are well informed, Chiara.” Asura acknowledges, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “But that’s exactly what I need in our next upcoming match against your former team in the tournament. A little tactical diversity can throw them off, especially if they are led like a Vampire Squad.” Asura’s expression sharpens. “Honestly, I’d rather have someone like you, sympathetic to my cause, than that doofus moron, Kael.”

“And what if I lose?” Chiara speaks bluntly, shaking her head as she ponders the worst case scenario.

“You won’t.” Asura suggests confidently. “I picked you for a reason. I’ve seen what you are capable of. You honestly impress me, Chiara. That’s more than what I can say about Kael who just blindly follows my orders instead of leading his squad his way. This whole operation you see around here is filled with nothing but drones. I don’t need drones blindly following my orders, Chiara. I need leaders like you.” She takes her tablet off her desk again and navigates to her gallery of sketches which she scanned to her PC. “There’s something I’d like to show you, Chiara. Something I don’t usually show to anyone.”

“Hm?” Chiara lowers her guard by Asura’s strange request. She walks over to her desk with her wet boots squeaking on the carpet floor. Asura places her tablet containing her personal sketches which are hand drawn of various scenery and people. They are incredibly detailed for being hand drawn with what appears to be paper and pencil art. The shading and perspective of these drawings are something to behold. “You drew all this?” Chiara speaks with amazement in her voice. “They’re...incredible, Asura.”

“There’s one more that I have to show you, Chiara.” Asura speaks softly. “I told you many times that you left an impression on me.”

Chiara’s breath catches as she takes in the drawing before her. It’s a portrait of herself. Down to the same strands of hair, Chiara would notice in the mirror. The portrait has Chiara looking towards the viewer, showing her dressed in a sundress from her shoulder up, her eyes innocent and large, and her lips drawn into a slight gentle smile.

“I…I don’t know what to say,” she confesses with a flustered voice, her fingers hovering just above the edge of the tablet, afraid to touch it. “Why would you draw this? I’m not like this, Asura.”

“Because I like your innocence, Chiara.” Asura speaks gently with her hand on her cheek. “I may have turned you into a cold blooded vampire, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to surrender your soft side. I just find it cute…” She shakes her head chuckling. “I don’t know why...I...well forget it. I just want you to know, Chiara. You don’t have to be as jaded as I least when you’re with me. I’d love to see you smile every now and then. It makes me feel at peace looking at you.”

“You really think I could smile again?” Chiara asks quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. She looks away, not quite able to meet Asura’s gaze as the question hangs in the air.

“Perhaps. And if not, maybe I’ll find a way to make you smile...if you let me.” Asura looks directly at Chiara. Her cheek is still resting on her palm.“I know you’ll defeat Kael. I believe in your abilities, Chiara. You want to beat him. I can see it.”

Chiara stands there, unable to determine how she can process everything that Asura is saying. This is her chance to be reborn again, but at the same time, Chiara will be allowed to be herself. Someone who could be admired, trusted, and potentially worshiped. Even more fantasies come into Chiara’s mind. What if she had total control over Vampire Squad? If she played her card right, Asura would happily hand the reign of “Her Highness” over to her. She would still keep Asura by her side. As her one true friend. These ideas make Chiara’s lips curl into a smile, but a smile of determination, glee, and passion for power. “I promise you, Asura.” Chiara speaks more boldly and upfront with a deep tone of determination. “I’ll have that Kael Valorheart in tears. He’ll go back to his lame fantasy MMOs.” Her statement gets a hearty laugh out of Asura.

“That’s my girl!” Asura speaks with outspoken joy from her voice. She gets up from her desk and walks up to Chiara, pulling her into a tight embrace. Chiara gasps and her cheeks redden when she feels Asura’s lips and teeth on her neck. When they depart and Asura lets go, Chiara feels her neck for the hickey Asura left on her neck. She chuckles and rubs her neck and Asura joins her in her laughter.

The Next Morning

“Ahahahahaaha….” Chiara laughs to herself while stumbling on her way to the cafeteria. Her eyes are barely able to stay open. Her cheeks blushed as red as roses, and her hair is unkempt from not even having enough time to groom herself. Vicky watches from outside the front of the university center. She’s shaking her head in disappointment with Chiara, but not surprised. She walks up and approaches her.

“Heyo, friend. You good this morning Chiara.” She looks over Chiara’s appearance from head to toe. “Don’t tell me you didn’t get your sleep last night?” Vicky knew she was probably VR gaming all night. That’s exactly what Vicky was doing with Emi and her friends at the same time. To Vicky. It seems odd that Emi’s little friend still hasn’t given up on that game after ditching her friends a few days ago.

“Aw….get out of my…” Chiara stumbles with her words in a drowsy cheery voice. “I’m doing….just...great...I just wanna fill my tummy with a niiiice delicious breakfast...hahah…”

“Don’t tell me you started drinking, Chiara!” Vicky speaks sternly. It’s a tone of voice Vicky rarely uses with people as she’s always acting uplifting, even around rude people. Vicky is starting to worry about Chiara’s new behavior lately.”

“Drinking?!! Naahh, you know I’m not old enough, Vickeeeeey. I’m just hungry and soooo sleepy. I had a really good gaming seeesh last was…..awesommeee...woah…” Chiara nearly falls over but Vicky is able to catch her by the shoulders.

“What did I just tell you about missing out on your sleep? You’re not even good enough to walk to the cafeteria like this!”

“Ha! When am I good enough for anything? I’m just a total…ah…” Chiara lets out a long yawn.

“Come on, I’m not letting you have breakfast by yourself. I’ll come walk with you.” She takes Chiara by the arm and helps her walk by her side to the front of the UC building. Chiara’s carefree, tired mood suddenly shifts into a panic and she halts her footsteps in place.

“No….I...I changed my mind...”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Vicky looks near the entrance of the UC and sees Hikari and Mai walking inside. It finally clicks in her mind that Chiara does not want to confront her former friends. “ you want to go somewhere else for breakfast? There’s a McDonald's not too far from our University. I don’t know if you’re capable of walking outside of campus.”

“Y...Yeah...I think that’s fine.” Chiara mutters. “They have coffee...right?”

“Oh don’t you worry, Chiara.” Vicky’s tone finally shifts back to being cheerful and spunky. “I’ll make sure you’ll get something to kick some life back into your energy banks!”


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