Update Log

  • March 29, 2025: Chapter 26 of MilSim Story is up. Emi tries to confront Chiara but fails to catch up with her. She readies herself and her team to endure some intense training which is coming up later that day. Meanwhile, Kael and his Squad are doing what they love to do best and are playing some kind of MMO together.

  • March 25, 2025: March is almost over already?! No new chapters for now. Currently working on the next one. For now, there are some new Koikatsu renders which I've been improving quite a bit on. They help me visualize some ideas for the plot I'm writing.

  • March 21, 2025: I got real busy IRL and honestly felt like I got nothing accomplished. Regardless, I got chapter 35 of Mil-Sim story done. I had to cut a part from the previous chapter to put into this new chapter so it could be more chronologically correct. I'll have new renders up by tomorrow but I wanted to get this chapter done first since it's a long one.

  • March 5, 2025: Uploaded a short new chapter for Mil-Sim Story. Chiara confronts Asura after her battle leading some of the Vampire Squad Recruits and Asura reveals her ultimate plans to using Chiara to consolodate more power to her squad. Chiara then faces the consequences of gaming all night long the next morning.

  • March 3, 2025: Posted some new Koikatsu concept renders for Mil-Sim Story. Featuring some scenes from the story and some concepts for the basic recruits/infantry/minions for some of the squads that I made. All in the concept gallery.

  • March 2, 2025: Chapter 33 of Mil-Sim Story is now published. This is the second part of the battle of the Oil Rig between recruits of Vampire Squad and Raptor Squad with Chiara caught up in all of it as she involuntarily leads her squad of recruits in the firefight. A little bit of informal posting but this is the longest story I'd ever written so far. I can't believe I'd written so much and I'm not even close to being done with this story, let alone this section.

  • February 20, 2025: Chapter 32 of Mil-Sim Story is up. This took longer to write but only because I haven't been working on it for a bit due to some in real life stuff going on but I'm back on track, I think. Chiara is about to face her first major battle as a new member of Vampire Squad. This chapter will cover the battle in briefing as well as Asura's interest in seeing Chiara going through the recruitment process.

  • February 19, 2025: Progress has been a little slow with writing but expect a new chapter by this week. In the meantime, I uploaded new squad renders in the character page and two new concept renders in my concept page for Mil-Sim Story.

  • February 8, 2025: I added some new renders to my concept page for Mil-Sim Story. There are new character renders for Longhorn Squad in the characters page as well as a brand new squad that might come up in the story known as Scorpion Squad (A middle east PMC group which is a rival to Kraken Squad). More info will come up for new characters as the story progresses.

  • February 5, 2025: Chapter 31 of Mil-Sim Story has been posted. Tomio and Emi talk about their approach going forward with Chiara's departure. There are now new members joining Armadillo Squad and they are all bizzare in their own ways.

  • January 29, 2025: Finally got a new chapter of Mil-Sim Story up. Chiara goes on her day without Emi. Hikari, and Mai; falling in bad habits from the starto the morning. Her desperation for an energy boost forces her to come across an ecentrically sweet girl. Also updated Character page and Concept page for Mil-Sim Story.

  • Jaunary 24, 2025: Yep. I managed to get another chapter out this week. Following Chiara's seperation from her friends, Emi returns to class on Monday, and speaks to a friend from her track team about her Mil-Sim Story experiences and her failing friendship with Chiara. Also fixed the broken link for chapter 29 from yesterday. I'll have to update the character page at some point as I have introduced some new human characters into the story.

  • January 23, 2025: In this new chapter for Mil-Sim Story, Chiara is confronted by Emi, Hikari, and Mai about her strange behavior lately. Chiara is feeling inadequate within her squad and that sparks tension between her and Armadillo Squad. Little does she know, Asura's influence is getting to her.

  • January 20, 2025: I added new character portraits to my Mil-Sim Story character page. These new characters will appear later on in the story although not much is known about them for the time being. Kimberly from Longhorn Squad has also been redesigned.

  • January 19, 2025: Minor edits to Mil-Sim Story Page. Just updated the main them to an extended one with four vocals. I have some additional character designs, potentially new squads, and updated characters to add real soon. Maybe today or tomorrow.

  • January 17, 2025: Finally posted a new chapter for Mil-Sim Story. In this chapter, we get to see Mai's history with her father and her family's Type 56 SKS rifle which she treasures back home. Going into the present in VR, the girls figure out how they can bring Mai's Type 56 SKS back to working order after the stock was severely damaged from the practice round with JarPig and Vampire Squad. I also edited my index page (the home page to Waifu Library) by featuing the creative writing works first. Since they are going to be the focus for this website going foward.

  • January 15, 2025: I am working a new chapter at the moment now that I had recovered from a temporary sickness. In the meantime, I had made a bit of a commentary post for Mil-Sim Story, kind of like a behind the scenes/behind the thoughts for Mil-Sim Story. Specifically, how the idea of Mil-Sim Story came to be. Also added a new OP song to Mil-Sim Story page.

  • January 7, 2025: No major updates. Just fixing some typos from the last chapter I posted. I would had done it yesterday but I got busy with work, came back home, did my cardio, and fell asleep like at 8 P.M. because my room finally got cold. I am considering doing something new for Mil-Sim. Like a little Author's commentary thing as an extra. But for now, currently brainstorming the next chapter so I can get this thing finished.

  • January 5, 2025: The first new chapter of the year for Mil-Sim Story. The focus is shifted from Armadillo Squad for a moment to give a quick insight on the experienced Raptor Squad and their teammates from Lion Squad as they host a livestream covering the events of the Mil-Sim Story Fall Tournament.

  • December 29, 2024: Emi, Chiara, Hikari, and Mai now have their own character bio pages. Each one will have some background info about each character, their likes and dislikes, and their favorite song.

  • December 28, 2024: Chapter 25 of Mil-Sim story is up, continuing from Chapter 24 when Chiara accepts and invite from Asura to her Vampire Squad base. Asura attempts to convince Chiara of the futility of her squad's attempt at winning the tournament but offers Chiara an alternative.

  • December 23, 2024: The Christmas Special for Mil-Sim Story is now up. Merry Christmas. Note this chapter does take place right after the events of Mil-Sim Story but I don't give anything away from this chapter in regards to whatever events that may occur during the story which have yet to be completed. It's a safe read that can stand on it's own I hope.

  • December 17, 2024: The next chapter of Mil-Sim Story is up. Chiara reunites with Emi to tell her about their defeat from the pratice match. Chiara will also get to the bottom of the mysterious friend request from Asura which she recieved at the end of the match.

  • December 14, 2024: I was gone for a long while due to family matters but now I am back with the last chapter for the Battle of the Dead Mall for Mil-Sim Story. Now that the ball is rolling again, I can continue the story as usual.

  • November 28, 2024: Again, no major updates to my story other than some stuff added to my characters page for Mil-Sim Story. Specifically, Voices for Zander, Asura, and Kael.

  • November 27, 2024: I'm not planning on doing any chapters for the time being since Thanksgiving is around the corner so just some minor updates for now. I have redesigned some new character models as well as uploaded some new concept renders for Mil-Sim Story. There's also some new characters and potentially new squads that might be added to the story later down the line.

  • November 22, 2024: Chapter 22 of Mil-Sim Story is posted. There's a little interaction between Emi and Tomio while they are at the hospital together. The battle of the Dead Mall continues. It should be over by the third part. I also went back and re-edited some stuff from Chatper 21 but it still needs some additional fixes and work.

  • November 20, 2024: Chapter 21 of Mil-Sim Story is posted. The Battle of the Mall is a practice match between Longhorn and Armadillo Squad going up against JarPig and Vampire Squad. This chapter is part 1 out of 2 for this section of the story which is turning out to be longer and slower to work on than I expected. It's a bit darker compared to my previous chapters but considering who they are going up against and without the help of Tomio and Emi, our protagonists have a lot going against them this time around.

  • November 15, 2024: Chapter 20 of Mil-Sim Story is up. Armadillo and Longhorn Squad are devoid of their squad leader for the time being and Chiara is looking for an opportunity to strengthen her skills as squad leader in the abscence of Emi. Her first opportunity to test her role is not something she is expecting it to be.

  • November 10, 2024: Chapter 19 is done for Mil-Sim Story. It's a short chapter but presents a temporary issues for the girls of Armadillo Squad before they can start their training. Also went back to re-edit chapter with the help of Lotus's Cube edit that he sent me through email. I appreciate that.

  • Noveber 8, 2024: I added some new renders to the concept page of Mil-Sim Story. I now have credits in my story page mentioning the assets I used along with any additional contributions to the story.

  • November 7, 2024: Chapter 18 of Mil-Sim Story is up. It's been a few weeks since Armadillo and Longhorn Squad's first tournament match. Hikari had just finished her mid-terms and deciedes to check in on the state of the tournament from an online YouTuber. There's also a new image for the mainpage of Mil-Sim Story. Hikari and Mai finally have their appropriate rifle and the girls of Armadillo Squad have a new look to them.

  • November 3, 2024: Same as yesterday, finished the squad designs in Koikatsu so now all of the major squads have their full team and names. Also made a group photo of all the squads in the concept art gallery.

  • November 2, 2024: Updated my character page for Mil-Sim Story. Now featuring a render and audio log for Markus as well as new renders for the opposing teams. I still need to make some additional characters for Bass Squad, Glam Squad, Steelwind Squad, and Raptor Squad. I'll be writing new chapters soon.

  • October 31, 2024: I deciede to put up a new mini chapter for Mil-Sim story that takes place within the events of the main plot but stands alone on it's own. It's a Halloween special. The girls of Armadillo Squad are going to a Halloween ball in the university.

  • October 30, 2024: Put up a temporary Halloween theme for Mil-Sim Story, featuring the girls of Armadillo Squad in their costumes. Debating on if I should do a short Halloween Special Chapter unrelated to the main plot. It might actually be a seasonal thing so there'll be one for Christmas, Valentine's Day, and so forth. At least that's the idea.

  • October 29, 2024: Uploaded a new chapter for Mil-Sim Story. Armadillo Squad and Longhorn Squad meet their new team manager and are rewarded with a new place to call home in Virtual Reality.

  • October 27, 2024: I had uploaded the start of the new section of Mil-Sim Story with Chapter 16. You'll get a sneak peak at the next squads that Armadillo and Longhorn Squad will be going up against in their next match.

  • October 24, 2024: I updated my character page for Mil-Sim Story. There are some new entries for characters and squads, some of which haven't been mentioned in the story yet.

  • October 22, 2024: I had today off so I used my time to do the conclusion of the Battle of the Woods for Mil-Sim Story. I added a few more paragraphs to Chapter 15 later in the afternoon so that the whole arc with that match up against Kraken PMC and Glam Squad is concluded on a wholesome note. I plan on having Emi's and Tomio's squad have their next match in the following month in the story to give them some time to refine their combat skills in the meantime, develop their backstories and their university/adult experiences, and potentially partake in smaller scale matches for fun and for building credits for thier team.

  • October 21, 2024: Not exactly a new chapter, but I expanded chapter 14 substationally from last time to make the chapter a little longer and flow better before I could post the last part of the Battle of the Woods for Mil-Sim Story.

  • October 18, 2024: After doing some quality control on my previous chapters, I had uploaded the next chapter of my story. The Girls of Armadillo Squad take action against the enemy and it seems like the the battle might turn in their favor.
  • I also have some new renders in the character page. Specifically for Steelwind Squad which is something I had missing for a while. I still need to make some entries for Drill Sergeant Perry and some other characters who will appear in the story.

  • October 13, 2024: Things do not go as smoothly as it seems for Armadillo or Longhorn Squad in Chapter 13. Find out what happens in this chaotic new chapter of Mil-Sim Story.

  • October 11, 2024: No new chapters today, but I made a renders page which has some Koikatsu renders I made featuring characters from Mil-Sim Story. Some of the equipment is not 100% accurate as I had to work with limited weapon mods but it's about 75% as describe with the characters at least being consistant with what I want them to look like.

  • October 10, 2024: Chapter 12 of Mil-Sim Story is up. It's the first match of the tournament between Lonestar Platoon and Joint Squads of Glam Squad and Kraken PMC Group in a beautiful rural Scandinavian forest. Tomio's and Emi's squad start their mission under the name: Operation Nordic Wind. This is part 1 of The Battle of the Woods.

  • October 7, 2024: Chapter 11 of Mil-Sim Story is done. This is the last section of basic training where the girls of Armadillo Squad will learn their class abilities and their use on the battlefield.

  • October 5, 2024: Chapter 10 of Mil-Sim Story is up. The Girls of Armadillo Squad will learn about combat and the rules of warfare.

  • September 30, 2024: Chapter 9 of Mil-Sim Story is done. This is a multipart section starting off with the girls of Armadillo Squad going through the physical training of Mil-Sim Story. Chiara is introduced to a new ability with her class as well as the girls struggle their way throught the physical training of Mil-Sim Story.

  • September 25, 2024: Chapter 8 of Mil-Sim Story is up. The girls are now back in VR, got some new uniforms, and are about to get a small taste of what's to come for basic training in the next chapter.

  • September 23, 2024: Chapter 7 of Mil-Sim Story is done. Emi recalls a memory with her younger brother before starting Uni, The girls meet up for lunch and plan their trainning in Mil-Sim Story in the afternoon.

  • September 17, 2024: Chapter 6 of Mil-Sim Story is now up. Chiara is now getting through her second week of college, still feeling a bit underwhelmed by her assignements but comes across Mai unexpectedly. Oh and I just realized I wasn't dating my update log so I tried to date the previous updates to be at least close to when the updates happened. Kind of depresssing to see some my previous literarly projects cancelled not too long ago, but this new project is going to incorporate all of my ideas into something original with Mil-Sim Story.

  • September 15, 2024: Chapter 5 of Mil-Sim Story is complete. This one took a while to do because it's all filler and build up but it's pretty important to the main plot. Sorry if it's too long.

  • September 6, 2024: Chapter 4 of Mil-Sim Story is done. The Armadillo squad lost the match and now get to make friends with their former advesories. More insight into Emi's emotions too.

  • September 1 2024: I added what was supposed to be Chapter 4 into Chapter 3, making it more complete since it covers the entire match. Chapter 4 will be about the post game and I'll go on from there to expand the story and characters in later chapters.

  • August 30, 2024: Chapter 3 of "Mil-Sim Story" is up! Fix a few typos though I am not sure I covered all of them.

  • August 27, 2024: Uploaded Chapter 2 of my new story "Mil-Sim Story" yesterday. Reuploaded "Summer with Chovy" fanfiction which I wrote years ago. Also added some new character bios to my characters page in preparation for Chapter 3. I should start working on it.

  • August 2024: Restructured entire webiste. Simplified the Waifu pages, redid the site design, started a new story that I hope I can start working on regularly. Took out some redudant blogs and images to keep the site from being bloated. My css and html files are a mess so I'm going to try to fix them as best as I can.

  • Last year 2023: I'm completely insane and I am scrapping all older ideas for another kind of Girl's Und Panzer Fanfiction. Work in progress but I wanted to incorporate a little bit of my old ideas for my previous scrapped stories and mix it into something different. Let's see if this goes anywhere.

  • Last year 2023: Nothing new other than getting a page set for the Girl's Und Panzer Fanfiction "A Summer with Chovy V2" started. It'll be a while before I can work on that story just yet.

  • Febuary 4, 2023: Finalized Chapter 3 of "The Loner's Chorus" that was going to be it's own chapter but I felt it was too close to the events of Chapter 3 to even seperate so I placed it into Chapter 3. I also made a writer's blog to address my own thought process as I write this story.

  • Febuary 2, 2023: I finished a sub-chapter/flashback for "The Loner's Chorus". In this flashback, Kayla finally meets Claude for the first time in marching band camp.

  • Febuary 1, 2023: Rather than start a new chapter, I expanded some ideas from Chapter 4 into Chapter 3 of "The Loner's Chorus" so that it's a bit longer and more complete as a chapter. I also did some site changes and fixes.

  • January 28, 2023:I put out a new chapter for "The Loner's Chorus". Things are a little slow in the story at the moment but it has to lead up into something. Already making plans for the next two chapters. Also added a new version of the theme song on the chapters page.

  • January 24, 2023:I'm on a roll with these new chapters. So now chapter 2 is complete for "The Loner's Chorus." Claude begins his psychological journey towards being socially adept. Now to work on Chapter 3...or perhaps another flashback chapter.

  • January 23, 2023:I added a sub-chapter to the the story "The Loner's Chorus". This one sub-chapter will be part of a series of chapters that refer to the events prior to the main plot from the point of view of Kayla, the high school friend of Claude and how she first interacts with him during her time in high school. I also added my Neocities PF link to the index page of Waifu Library.

  • January 22, 2023: First Chapter of "The Loner's Chorus" is complete. I had made some changes to my initial draft including changing the main character's name and adding the rest of the chapter. I figure now I should have something to work with for my next couple of chapters.

  • January: 12, 2023: After a long hiatus, I had returned back to this site to work on creative writing again. I had started work on a new story (despite never finishing my first fanfiction or my second fiction project.
  • I am somewhat considering doing a redo on "A Summer with Chovy" since I had brainstormed some better ideas than what I was going with the original fan fiction. I might hold off on it or do it alongside my current project. Sadly I had to delete the old one because I wasn't happy with it. I also canned "The Pasion of Lyra" because it's too ambitious for me to do right now.

  • September 11, 2022: I made another creative blog, discussing my plans and ideas for my new literary work: The Passion of Lyra.

  • September 10, 2022: I am now offically working on my new original story: The Passion of Lyra. I haven't uploaded any chapters yet but they will b up soon. Let's see how this one goes. Episode 1 is complete so far.

  • September 5, 2022: I wrote a new entry in my creative blog about a story idea I've been thinking about lately to add to this website.

  • September 3, 2022: I started my first creative blog where I mainly talk about the trouble I had when trying to write my fanfiction.

  • September 2, 2022: Sorry about the long wait but I had mixed feelings about the state of my Summer with Chovy fanfiction and didn't really like the way the story was going forward. As such, I am quietly putting it on a long hold until I can come up with something better. On the other hand, I've been kind of inspired to do my own original stories that don't rely on another source material so hence forth, I decieded to re-do the entire website. Waifu Library (Formally Cafe). Everything else that I have done with the Waifu Cafe will remain. There'll just be a new writer's blog, more original stories, and of course the same waifu pages as usual. Just taking a break from Fanfictions in general because I just don't feel it in me to rush the project and have it be meh in the end.

  • July 17, 2022: Again, Nothing major but now all the of character protraits in the character bios page for "A Summer with Chovy" are now all updated. That's all really.

  • July 16, 2022: Nothing major today other than some changes made to the character bios page. Now with updated and more detailed character protraits. I still need to do some other characters but most of the major characters are covered for now. Stay tuned for more chapters.

  • July 14, 2022: Chapter 17 is complete. Just keeping the ball rolling.

  • July 12, 2022: Chapter 16 of A Summer with Chovy is now up. I think I got my groove back with writing these chapters now. I have plans for additional bonus chapters to enhance the story a little more.

  • July 11, 2022: Chapter 15 of A Summer with Chovy is now done. We got a new character in the plot so the character sheet has been updated as well. There's also a new site theme. I am trying to see if the monochrome thing looks good on this site or not.

  • July 9, 2022: I had to redo Chapter 14 in my fanfiction. I felt like I was dragging the plot for more than it needed to be with another Karoake chapter so I rewrote the later half of that chapter. A little depressing but I left it on a good note and something that'll lead into the next chapter and thus, proceed with the plot as planned.

  • June 4, 2022: Chapter 14 of A Summer With Chovy is done. Man it's been a long while since I did anything. I need to step it up.

  • May 13, 2022: Chapter 13 is out. Not a lucky number nor day. Things might not turn out as you might think in this story. Who knows. Conflict? Anxiety? Resolution? We'll soon find out eventually in future chapters!

  • May 11, 2022: Chapter 12 of my fanfiction is done. Now we can move the story foward now. I might be on to something. Can't really say.

  • May 10, 2022: Finished chapter 11 of my fanfiction. I've been kind of falling behind with this fanfiction and have some really bad brain fog from trying to figure out where to take the plot next. With that said, I think I have a general idea where to take this story moving foward. I even added a character bio page (which still needs some work) so that I can try to stay focused on character development as the story progresses and hopefully provide some background to some established and newly established characters to the story.

  • April 19, 2022: Added Plum to the list of waifus. Nintendo needed some representation (as much as I have mixed feelings for them) so I decieded to include a more obscure waifu to the mix.

  • April 18, 2022: Chapter 9 and 10 of A Summer with Chovy are now up. Two chapters for the price of one. Mainly because I had fallen behind with writing new chapters.

  • April 5, 2022: Added Kyrie to the waifu list. How couldn't I add her? It's been a while since I did one of these anyways.

  • March 20, 2022: Finished Chapter 7 of my fanfiction. Finally. I don't know why I took long to even write so little. Been busy with other stuff but that's still not a good excuse. This fanfiction isn't dead! I will finish it!
  • Also added an image to chapter 5 and made some minor changes to the plot. Just minor.

  • March 4, 2022: Started working on Chapter 7. I uploaded the first part of that chapter and the rest will be added when it's done. That's just what I do. It was a good night to type what I did so far. More to come.

  • March 2, 2022: Chapter 6 is now complete. It's shorter than the other chapters but at least now I feel like I'm finally back on track. Sorry for the wait.

  • March 1, 2022: Added Rin Tezuka to the Waifu list. I'm stuck with my fanfiction at the moment so new chapters won't be coming up just yet. Sorry. At least the index page title and image have been altered a bit. Just to make it a tad more better imo.

  • February 21, 2022: Chapter 5 of my fanfiction is finally done. Didn't take as long I thought it would but I had some extra time to work on it today and found a way to end it so I can began work on Chapter 6. I don't want this story to slog on forever.

  • February 20, 2022: Fanfiction Overhaul. I mixed chapters together so that it flows better. No edits or new chapters just yet. Chapter 5 will be a work in progress for a while. Stay tuned.

  • February 13, 2022: New Waifu shrines are up now. They might be a little meh but I think they turned out okay. Fixed some metric fuckery in the Anchovy Shrine. New song there too. In fact, I might redo some of the shrine songs to suit them better.

  • February 12, 2022: Chapter 11 is now up. I am also going to start working on some new shrines soon. Stay tuned.

  • February 9, 2022: Chapter 10 is now out for my fanfiction. That took longer than it should had.

  • February 1, 2022: Nothing major today. Just added an image that should of been included with Ch.8 of my fanfic.

  • January 31, 2022: Chapter 8 is now available in my fanfiction section. I need to add some images to it when I get a chance.

  • January 30, 2022: Added Chapter 7 of my fanfiction, Been kind of busy lately so new chapters are coming in more slowly than I'd like. I also added a few YT clips for no reason.

  • January 23, 2022: Chapter 6 of my fanfiction is complete. More coming up soon!

  • January 15, 2022: Finally, A new chapter (Chapter 5) has been added. Stay tuned for Chapter 6!

  • January 11, 2022: Added Chapter 4 to the Chovy Story.

  • January 10, 2022: Added Chapter 3 of my fanfic series. I'm shitting these chapters out faster than I expected to.

  • January 9, 2022: Finished Chapter 2 of my fanfic series. More to come. Also fixed some typos in Chapter 1 hopefully.

  • January 7, 2022: Started Ch.1 of my first fanfiction series! Removed background music for index page. It kind of got annoying to be honest. Also changed background image. It's temporary as I'm trying to figure out a theme for this site.

  • January 3, 2022: Added more characters to Koikatsu page as well as some nice music. I started making plans to add some AMVs to this website. Stay tuned.

  • January 2, 2022: Added new topics on index page. Koikatsu page is finished. More content on the way soon.

  • December 23, 2021: Added Nausicaa and SPAS 12 entry.

  • December 16, 2021: Added Haruka entry.

  • December 15, 2021: Waifu Cafe creation date.

  • Return to Homepage